INtime SDK Help
About INtime Help
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INtime SDK v7.1 > Welcome to INtime SDK > About INtime Help

This documentation introduces you to INtime: how it makes real-time applications possible, and how to use the INtime development tools. Use this documentation to get acquainted with INtime and to obtain detailed information about INtime components.

When to use INtime Help

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Where to find INtime Help

To access Help, use one of these methods:

As a Microsoft Visual Studio extension: Select Help>Contents. INtime Help displays.

As context-sensitive Help in your code: For a specific topic, highlight a system call in your source code, then press F1. Help for that system call displays.

As a stand-alone Help file: Select Start>All Programs>INtime>Documentation>INtime Help.

On the web: Point your browser to

How to use INtime Help

These are a few things you can do when INtime Help runs:


Note:   In INtime help, the term Windows means Windows 10, or Windows Server 2016, or later versions, both 32- or 64-bit editions. See the TenAsys support website for full details:

Sections Description
New in this release Lists and briefly describes new features and capabilities.
Overview Describes how INtime software works together with Windows to create and run real-time applications, and lists INtime features. It also tells you where to find detailed information about INtime topics.
System Description Explains how the INtime kernel works with Windows to provide RT functionality. It also lists and describes INtime components.
INtime kernel Describes the INtime kernel and its objects, the basic building blocks that application programs manipulate.
Real-time programming concepts Describes processes unique to RT programming.
Distributed applications Provides information about distributing applications across multiple nodes.

Using INtime software

This explains how to start INtime software and how to use the INtime software development tools.

Sections Description
Configuring INtime software Describes how to configure INtime software.
INtime operations Describes how to start and run INtime software.
Developing INtime applications Provides general guidelines for INtime application design.
Debugging tools Explains how to use the debugging tools included with INtime software.

Standard INtime APIs

The main INtime functional interface.

Sections Description
About system calls An overview of the entire INtime API.
Distributed system management (DSM) Operations related to distributed system management.
Exception handling Operations on exception handlers and exception system calls.
Global objects Operations that allow a real-time process to access objects which exist on another instance of the INtime kernel.
Interrupts Operations for interrupts and interrupt system calls.
Mailboxes Operations on mailboxes and the mailbox system calls .
Memory management System calls related directly to memory management.
Object directories Operations on objects (mostly handles) in object directories.
Ports Operations on ports.
Processes Operations related to processes.
Regions Operations related to regions.
Scheduler Operations related to scheduling.
Semaphores Operations on semaphores.
Status Operations related to support tasks.
System data calls Lists INtime system data tasks you can perform.
Threads Common thread tasks.
Time management Operations related to time and alarms.

Other INtime APIs

INtime functional interface for C Library, Registry, TCP/IP, PCI library, etc.

Sections Description
C lib calls A comprehensive collection of C Library calls.
Heap management calls Operations related to C library heap management.
High-performance Gigabit Ethernet calls Operations related to High-performance Gigabit Ethernet.
INtime C++ class library The standard INtime C++ library.
INScope INscope Interface libraries and an API that you can call to instrument application.
Network stack An API used with communications resources.
PCI library calls An API to interact with the PCI bus.
Real-time shared library (RSL) calls An API for managing Real-time shared libraries.
Registry calls Operations on the registry and registry keys.
Serial communications Operations related to Serial communications tasks.
USB Operations related to USB tasks.

INtime win32 APIs

For those familiar with the Windows environment, the 'iwin32' (the INtime subset of Win32) API provides an alternative that includes a subset of the Win32 functions.

Sections Description
iwin32 Overview Real-time development for Windows developers.
iwin32 Architecture Handles, Named Objects, Processes, Threads, Mutexes, etc.
iwin32 Design Managing interactions between INtime and iwin32 processes.
iwin32 Development Project settings and Exception codes.
iwin32 Porting A discussion of the porting process with an example.
iwin32 API The standard iwin32 API.
iwin32x API The extended iwin32 API.


This provides additional information about INtime software.

Sections Description
Status codes Lists INtime software status codes, provides a description for each code, and identifies the system calls that use each code.
Support and service Describes how to contact TenAsys when you have questions about INtime software.
Software license and warranty Includes your INtime software and license warranty.
LNC library Local Node Configuration library.
Debugging INtime debugging tools.
Utilities Describes the utilities that come with INtime software. Also provides access to those utilities' Help files.
Virtual Ethernet Configuration Describes the means by which applications which rely on TCP/IP protocols and have a Windows and real-time target networking component can be migrated to the INtime real-time environment.

When to use INtime Help

You can access INtime Help to:

Where to find INtime Help

To access Help, use one of these methods:

Go to to view the help content online.

See Also