INtime SDK Help
Heap Management
System calls

This lists common operations related to heap management and the RT kernel system calls that do the operations:

To . . . Use this system call . . .
Confirm the integrity of the memory blocks allocated in the debug heap _CrtCheckMemory
Generate a report with a debug message and send the report to three possible destinations _CrtDbgReport
Call an application-supplied function for all _CLIENT_BLOCK types in the heap _CrtDoForAllClientObjects
Dump all the memory blocks in the debug heap when a memory leak occurs _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks
Retrieve the current client-defined allocation function for hooking into the C runtime debug memory allocation process _CrtGetAllocHook
Retrieve the current application-defined function for dumping the _CLIENT_BLOCK type memory blocks _CrtGetDumpClient
Retrieve the client-defined reporting function for hooking it into the C runtime library for the debug reporting process _CrtGetReportHook
Verify that a specified memory block is in the local heap and that it has a valid debug heap block type identifier _CrtIsMemoryBlock
Verify that the local heap contains the specified pointer _CrtIsValidHeapPointer
Obtain the debug heap's current state and store it in an application-supplied _CrtMemState structure _CrtMemCheckpoint
Compare two memory states and return their difference _CrtMemDifference
Dump information about objects in the heap from the start of program execution or from a specified heap state _CrtMemDumpAllObjectsSince
Dump the debug header information for a specified heap state in a user-readable form _CrtMemDumpStatistics
Return the block type/subtype associated with a given debug heap block pointer _CrtReportBlockType
Install a client-defined allocation function by hooking it into the C runtime debug memory allocation process _CrtSetAllocHook
Set a breakpoint on a specified object allocation order number _CrtSetBreakAlloc
Retrieve or modify the _crtDbgFlag flag state to control the debug heap manager's allocation behavior _CrtSetDbgFlag
Install an application-defined function to dump _CLIENT_BLOCK type memory blocks _CrtSetDumpClient
Specify the file handle to receive the message text after specifying _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE with _CrtSetReportMode _CrtSetReportFile
Install a client-defined reporting function by hooking it into the C runtime debug reporting process _CrtSetReportHook
Specify the destination(s) for a specific report type generated by _CrtDbgReport and any macros that call _CrtDbgReport or _CrtDbgReportW _CrtSetReportMode
Add a new chunk to the heap. heap_add_chunk
Return the current number of buffers created by calloc, malloc, or realloc heap_buffer_cnt
Report the size of a buffer returned by calloc, malloc, or realloc heap_buffer_size
Check the heap for internal consistency heap_check
Return memory pages released (via free) and no longer in use heap_compact
Dump heap statistics and list to the console or to a file heap_dump
Get the basic heap allocation block's size heap_get_blk_size
Get the heap's configuration heap_get_config
Return the system page size heap_get_page_size
Set the basic heap allocation block's size heap_set_blk_size
Set the specified heap's configuration heap_set_config
Get the heap's statistics heap_stats
Reset the heap's statistics heap_stats_reset
Determine whether the buffer address is valid and exists within the heap heap_validate_buffer
Instruct the heap manager to clear all buffers when freed heap_zap
Add a new memory chunk to a memory pool mpool_add_chunk
Allocate a new buffer from a memory pool mpool_alloc
Return the current number of buffers created by mpool_alloc or mpool_realloc mpool_buffer_cnt
Return the size of a buffer returned by mpool_alloc or mpool_realloc mpool_buffer_size
Check the memory pool for internal consistency mpool_check
Return to the operating system pages of memory freed via mpool_free and no longer in use mpool_compact
Create a memory pool and return a handle to it mpool_create
Delete a memory pool and free all its resources mpool_delete
Dump memory pool statistics and list to the console or a file mpool_dump
Free a buffer allocated with mpool_alloc or mpool_realloc mpool_free
Get the configuration for a pool mpool_get_config
Retrieve the name associated with a pool mpool_pool2name
Retrieve the pool associated with a buffer mpool_ptr2pool
Change the size of a buffer allocated with mpool_alloc or mpool_realloc mpool_realloc
Restore a pool to its creation state mpool_reset
Set the configuration for a pool mpool_set_config
Get the statistics for a memory pool mpool_stats
Reset the statistics for a memory pool mpool_stats_reset
Determine whether the buffer address is valid and exists within a pool buffer mpool_validate_buffer
See Also

C library