INtime SDK Help
High Performance Ethernet library calls
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This lists common operations related to High-performance Gigabit Ethernet and the INtime system calls that do the operations.

Library calls

To . . . Use this system call . . .
Initialization and configuration  
Initialize an Ethernet interface hpeOpen
Similar to hpeOpen; specify additional options hpeOpenWithOptions
Close an Ethernet interface indicated by the handle parameter hpeClose
Obtain information about the hardware interface hpeGetInterfaceInfo
Configure options for the Ethernet controller, such as multicast packet reception hpeConfigOptions
Obtain a list of queue features supported by the hardware interface hpeGetQueueConfiguration
Report the interface's 6-byte MAC address hpeGetMacAddress
Report the current status of the media interface of the Ethernet controller hpeGetMediaStatus
Obtain statistics from a queue hpeGetQueueStats
Allocate a receive buffer set which is compatible with the network device hpeAllocateReceiveBufferSet
Attaches a set of receive buffers to a queue for use by the DMA engine to receive Ethernet frames. hpeAttachReceiveBufferSetToQueue
Attach a set of receive buffers to queue 0 for use by the DMA engine to receive Ethernet frames. hpeAttachReceiveBufferSet
Free memory allocated by hpeAllocateReceiveBufferSet hpeFreeReceiveBufferSet
Return a pointer to the next receive buffer in the default receive queue which has a fully-received frame in it hpeGetReceiveBuffer
Return a pointer to the next receive buffer in the designated queue which has a fully-received frame in it. hpeGetReceiveQueueBuffer
Returns the receive buffer obtained by hpeGetReceiveBuffer to the network device on queue 0. hpeReturnReceiveBuffer
Returns the receive buffer obtained by hpeGetReceiveBuffer to the network device on the designated queue. hpeReturnReceiveQueueBuffer
Determine the queue to receive packets that are not matched by a filter. hpeSetDefaultReceiveQueue
Enable or disable receipt of all packets (promiscuous mode) at the device. hpeSetPromiscuousMode
Set the type of a receive queue. hpeSetReceiveQueueAttributes
Enable a receive queue filter by setting its parameters. hpeSetReceiveQueueFilter
Instruct the caller to sleep until the next receive interrupt occurs for the default queue. hpeWaitForReceiveComplete
Instruct the caller to sleep until the next receive interrupt occurs for the designated queue. hpeWaitForReceiveQueueComplete
Attach a set of transmit buffers to the driver on queue 0. hpeAttachTransmitBufferSet
Attach a set of transmit buffers to the driver on designated queue. hpeAttachTransmitBufferSetToQueue
Return a value indicating the current state of the transmitter of queue 0. hpeGetTransmitterState
Return a value indicating the current state of the transmitter of the designated queue. hpeGetTransmitQueueState
Set the time to subtract from the launch time to begin packet fetch. hpeSetTransmitFetchDelta
Set the type of a transmit queue. hpeSetTransmitQueueAttributes
Set the global offset to be added to the launch time. hpeSetTransmitTimeOffset
Set the priority of a transmit queue. hpeSetTransmitQueuePriority
Cause the transmitter to transmit any and all frames which are ready to be sent from queue 0. hpeStartTransmitter
Cause the transmitter to transmit any and all frames which are ready to be sent from designated queue. hpeStartTransmitterQueue
Instruct the caller to sleep until the next transmit interrupt occurs for queue 0. hpeWaitForTransmitComplete
Instruct the caller to sleep until the next transmit interrupt occurs for the designated queue. hpeWaitForTransmitQueueComplete
Timers and IEEE 1588 Time Support  
Signal a semaphore when a target time is reached. hpeSetTargetTimer
Read the 1588 time from the controller. hpe1588GetSystemTime
Write the 1588 time to the controller. hpe1588SetSystemTime
Adjust the 1588 system clock in the controller. hpe1588AdjustSystemTime
Set the offset at which the 1588 timestamp is written in transmit packets. hpe1588SetTimestampOffset
Retrieve the receive timestamp from the packet buffer. hpe1588GetRxTimestamp
Retrieve the timestamp for the most recently transmitted packet. hpe1588GetTxTimestamp
Retrieve the size of the timestamp header. hpe1588GetRxTimestampHeaderSize
Add two 1588 time values. hpe1588TimeAdd
Subtract a 1588 time values from another. hpe1588TimeSubtract
Compare two 1588 time values. hpe1588TimeCompare
Return the difference between two 1588 time values. hpe1588TimeDifference
Extract a 1588 timestamp from a buffer. hpe1588ExtractTimestamp


To . . . Use this structure . . .
Specify options; used by hpeConfigOptions HPE_CONFIG_OPTIONS
Specify options; used by hpeOpenWithOptions HPE_OPEN_OPTIONS
Describe a queue configuration HPEQUEUECONFIG
Describe an individual buffer to hold frame data HPEBUFFER
Obtain information about the currently-connected media HPEMEDIASTATUS
Describe a set of receive frame buffers HPERXBUFFERSET
Describe a single transmit buffer HPETXBUFFER
Describe a transmit buffer set, consisting of multiple transmit buffers HPETXBUFFERSET
Describe a single transmit stream buffer HPETXSTREAMBUFFER
Describe a transmit stream buffer set, consisting of multiple transmit stream buffers HPETXSTREAMBUFFERSET
Describe a IEEE1588 timestamp HPE_1588_TIMESTAMP
Define an Ether type filter HPE_ETHER_FILTER
Define a Flex Data filter HPE_FLEX_FILTER
Define a 2-Tuple filter HPE_2TUPLE_FILTER
See Also