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INtime SDK v7.1 > About INtime > Networking and I/O > High-Performance Ethernet > hpeSetTargetTimer

Use a target timer to signal a semaphore when a target time is reached.

HPESTATUS hpeSetTargetTimer(
    HPEHANDLE devhandle, 
    DWORD idx, 
    HPE_1588_TIMESTAMP *time, 
    QWORD ns_delta, 
    KNHANDLE sem


A handle value for the device.
Timer instance, 0 or 1.
The time at which to signal the semaphore. This may be a system time obtained via hep1588GetSystemTime with some delta added with hpe1588TimeAdd. May be NULL if sem is NULL, in which case the timer is canceled.
The delta time at which to signal the semaphore.
A KNHANDLE for the (low-level) semaphore to signal. A NULL value cancels the timer.


Small values of us_delta (< 50us) may result in heavy CPU load (depending on the CPU and other system factors). If “time” is less than the actual system time, the semaphore is never signaled. Canceling a timer may leave outstanding units on a semaphore if they have not been consumed by the application. If the system time is adjusted (by way of hpe1588SetSystemTime, hpe1588AdjustSystemTime) timers may be extended or missed. If a periodic timer is required it may be advantageous to use a “one shot” timer (us_delta = 0). This will allow the application to compensate for propagation delay incurred when configuring the timer.

Return Values

A status value indicating the success or failure of the operation:

E_OK The operation completed successfully.
E_EXIST The handle given is not a handle for an open HPE interface.
E_LIMIT The value of the idx parameter is out of range.
E_PARAM The time parameter is NULL and the semd parameter is non-NULL.
E_CONTEXT The device has not been opened in ALL_INTERRUPTS mode.


Versions Defined in Include Link to
INtime 6.0 (HPE3) intime/rt/include/hpeif2.h hpeif2.h hpeif2.lib
See Also