INtime SDK Help
ven (Virtual Ethernet device driver)
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The ven (virtual Ethernet driver) provides a virtual Ethernet connection between INtime node(s), and also Windows when running with INtime for Windows, running on the same PC host. From INtime 6, the driver has a switch capability which means that direct Ethernet communication between INtime nodes on the same host is possible using this driver.


The options are set in the loader.cfg file which may be found in the %INTIMECFG%\[nodename]\etc directory. This is valid for both INtime for Windows and INtime Distributed RTOS (note that the variable INTIMECFG corresponds to /config in INtime Distributed RTOS).

Note: You will have to copy the file from INtime Distributed RTOS (via FTP) and modify it off-line, then return it when you are finished.

The following options can be set in loader.cfg.


Versions Link to
INtime 4.0 netlib.lib
See Also