INtime SDK Help
Network Driver Options
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Most network drivers support the following common options.

Network Driver Options

The following options can be set in loader.cfg. loader.cfg is located under %INTIMECFG%NodeName\etc\ (on INtime DIstributed RTOS the INTIMECFG variable points to the /config directory).

To edit loader.cfg for NodeA, for example, follow these steps in DOS prompt, or FTP the D-RTOS file to a host for editing:

  1. c:>
  2. cd %INTIMECFG%\NodeA\etc
  3. notepad loader.cfg
    Note: Each node has its own loader.cfg file. 

On INtime Distributed RTOS remember to copy the file back to the system after editing.

'xxx' represents the device name and the unit number (e.g. 'ie1g0').


Versions Link to
INtime 4.0 netlib.lib
See Also