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rtl1g (Realtek 8139C+/8169/816xS/811xS/8101E PCI/PCIe Ethernet adapter driver)
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The rtl1g driver provides support for various NICs based on the Realtek RTL8139C+, RTL8169, RTL8169S, RTL8110S, RTL8168S, RTL8111S and RTL8101E PCI and PCIe Ethernet controllers.

NICs based on the 8139C+ and 8101E are capable of 10 and 100Mbps speeds over CAT5 cable. NICs based on the 8169, 816xS and 811xS are capable of 10, 100 and 1000Mbps operation.

The 8139C+ is a single-chip solution combining both a 10/100 MAC and PHY. The 8169 is a 10/100/1000 MAC only, requiring a GMII or TBI external PHY. he 8169S and 8110S are single-chip devices containing both a 10/100/1000 MAC and 10/100/1000 copper PHY. Standalone 10/100/1000 cards are available in both 32-bit PCI and 64-bit PCI models. The 8110S is designed for embedded LAN-on-motherboard applications.

The 8169, 8169S and 8110S support jumbo frames, which can be configured via the interface MTU setting. The MTU is limited to 7422, since the chip cannot transmit larger frames. Selecting an MTU larger than 1500 bytes with the ifconfig utility configures the adapter to receive and transmit jumbo frames.

The rtl1g driver supports the following media types:

autoselect Enable autoselection of the media type and options.
/UTP Set 10Mbps operation. The ifconfig mediaopt option can also be used to select either full-duplex or half-duplex modes.
100baseTX Set 100Mbps (Fast Ethernet) operation. The ifconfig mediaopt option can also be used to select either full-duplex or half-duplex modes.
1000baseTX Set 1000baseTX operation over twisted pair. The Realtek gigE chips support 1000Mbps in full-duplex mode only.

The rtl1g driver supports the following media options:

For more information on configuring this device, see Common Network Driver Options or ifconfig.

Loader tunables

Tunables can be set in loader.cfg.           

Enable jumbo frames (>1500 bytes) for the device


The rtl1g driver supports Realtek RTL8139C+, RTL8169, RTL816xS, RTL811xS, and RTL8101E based Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet adapters including:


Diagnostic messages will be logged to System Evenrt Log.


The driver was written by Bill Paul <>. INtime refers to this device as rtl1g.


Versions Link to
INtime 4.0 netlib.lib
See Also