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Deploying an INtime for Windows Host
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INtime SDK v7.1 > Using INtime Software > Deploying an INtime for Windows Host

Once you have an application to run on INtime, you may want to automate its deployment onto production systems.

This page details the two steps:

  1. Install Windows and INtime including the host configuration.
    This step can be done by cloning the system, or by the steps in INtime for Windows Installation.
  2. Install the INtime license.

INtime for Windows Installation

The following process assumes that you have already installed and configured Windows to your specifications.

Using runtime*_installer.exe manually

To manually install INtime runtime software, use the runtime installer runtimeXX_installer.exe. Find the runtimeXX_installer.exe in the redistribution folder of the CD-ROM, or in the most recent runtimeXX-YYYYY_installer.exe installer obtained from the TenAsys website on the MyDownloads page. (XX is the current product version and YYYYY is the patch number).

  1. Start runtimeXX-YYYYY_installer.exe program by double-clicking it.
    Note: If the Installation program detects a previous version of INtime software, it prompts to upgrade the installation. For details of the upgrade process, see the document intime_installer.ovw.exe in the %INTIME%\help folder.
  2. Review the INtime License and note its terms and conditions.
  3. Select a destination directory for the INtime software files, then click the Next button. The default is %PROGRAMFILES%\INtime.
  4. Click the Next button to install the software.

    The runtimeXX-YYYYY_installer.exe program creates the specified directory, then installs the INtime software files.

  5. Click the Finish button to complete the installation process.
  6. Restart the system using one of these methods:
    • Click OK at the last screen. The runtimeXX-YYYYY_installer.exe program restarts the system.
    • Restart the system at a later time. The system must be restarted before running INtime software.
    Note: The runtimeXX_installer.exe program installs those portions of INtime software that can be included in your derivative works. Use of runtimeXX-YYYYY_installer.exe is governed by the INtime Software Redistribution License Agreement you must enter into in order to include INtime Software in your product.

    For information about obtaining a Software Redistribution License and on the associated per unit royalty due to TenAsys Corporation for use of the INtime software in your product, contact

    Note: If the user account that will install or use INtime on this computer is not an administrator, you must add the user to the system's INtime Users Group.

Custom/command-line installation of the INtime for Windows runtime package

Customization of the runtime installation can be achieved using command-line options, and then a specific configuration can be applied using other commands. These are suitable for inclusion in a batch file.

Command Line options

The INtime for Windows installer accepts some command line options for initial configuration.

Other commands specified on the command line will be passed onto the INtime package installer. These options include the standard options available to any MSI package, as well as other options provided by TenAsys to customize the INtime installation: (please note the behavior is different for an upgrade installation, detailed below)

Use the switches mentioned earlier to control restart and user interaction levels.

INtime for Windows installer return values

The INtime for Windows installer will return values based on the state of the installation. Use these return values in your own installation script to determine the next steps.

Return Code Meaning(s)
No errors were detected during execution. You should reboot Windows after you have completed any other configuration steps.
The installation is successful so far, but a reboot is required before continuing.
Command line options passed to the installer were not properly formed.
An installation was cancelled by the user, OR a UAC timeout has occurred.
This version of INtime is already installed, OR a newer version of INtime is already installed
Other values Are error conditions returned from one of the steps of installation. You should further investigate the stage of installation this error was detected and contact TenAsys Support for details.

Configure INtime for Windows

After INtime is installed, perform any customized configuration steps as required.

Import Configuration

Export the working configuration on your prototype system to an icf (INtime Configuration File) file. To do this, open the INtime Configuration Panel. Select one or more icons (use the Ctrl key to select more than one icon), then press the Export Settings button. A prompt for a file name for the icf file appears.

Transfer the exported icf file to your target system. On your target system, start INtime Configuration Panel and press the Import Settings button. Navigate to the icf file and press Open.

You can also import settings using a command line option which you can use in scripts. To import a configuration file, type:

inconfig.exe /i:intimeconfiguration.icf

For a list of all of the command line options, see the Help content for INtime Configuration (press the Help button on the utility).

Note that an .ICF file is specific to one machine configuration and does not adapt itself well to other machines. For example if you create a configuration on a system with a 4-core CPU and import it on a system with an 8-core CPU you will not necessarily get the results you expect. This also applies if you have external memory configurations imported into systems with a different amount of memory fitted.

If you need to address a range of different systems with your configuration, consider using dynamic configuration (see next section).

Dynamic configuration

You can create a configuration utility using the LNC (Local Node Configuration) library to handle dynamic configuration of your systems. 

Advanced customization

The Windows Virtual Ethernet Driver Address and MAC address will both be installed with their default values. Consult the Windows netsh documentation to script the IP address(s) needed for the Windows side of the Virtual Ethernet configuration.

Device Configuration

The device configuration can be exported and imported using the method described above for "Import Configuration". Select the Device Manager icon when exporting your configuration. You can also use the devconfig.exe utility in command-line mode to pass individual devices to INtime or back to Windows. For example:

devconfig64 /tointimenoirq "Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I218-LM"

See the help content for the utility for full details of the command line options.

INtime License Installation

Once installed and configured the final step is activating the INtime for Windows installation. There are three options to obtain a license. Each of these three options can use either method: with Entitlements or with delegate user accounts. The Customer Operations Manager must decide which method is used:

1) Entitlement method OR

2) Delegate user account method

When a license is installed, it is one line in the lservrc file, found in the %INTIMECFG% directory, usually C:\ProgramData\TenAsys\INtime.

See detailed instructions for each option & method on the policies page:
This page also has the Customer Operations Manager Guide to help decide which option and method is best for your operation.

License Manager applet

The License Manager applet is the default option to obtaining a license. The target host must be connected to a network that has access to the internet and the GUI provides guidance through the process.

Command Line

The command line option is used when it is desired to obtain a license using an automated script via the licman.exe application.

TenAsys License Portal

The license portal option is for users that cannot or do not want to have the target host connected to the internet for security or other reasons. The process consists of capturing the “fingerprint” from the target host and copying this “fingerprint” to a computer that has access to the internet, then moving the acquired license back onto the target host.

Open the TenAsys License Portal at in an internet browser to use an Entitlement.

Open the TenAsys License Portal at in an internet browser to use a delegate user account.

Both contain a button to switch to the other method. Provide the "fingerprint" to the TenAsys License Portal. Copy the returned license string onto the target host.

See Also