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Deploying an INtime Distributed RTOS Host
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INtime SDK v7.1 > Using INtime Software > Deploying an INtime Distributed RTOS Host

Once you have an application to run on INtime, you may want to automate its deployment onto production systems

INtime Distributed RTOS

For Distributed RTOS installations the most convenient way is to clone the HDD. As the license file is stored on the HDD, it needs to be deleted before running the new system. An invalid license will prevent the system from starting, but a missing license allows the system to boot and 10 minutes  to apply a new license before the system shuts down. The license file, named "lservrc", is located in the/config directory.

Note: Tethering is no longer supported in INtime 7 Distributed RTOS. Use a Deployment Trial License (30-day node-locked) or a deployment license for application development. Trial licenses are available on the My Licenses and Agreements page.

Alternatively the system can be set up with the boot stick and the folder /config (without the lservrc file) can be copied manually via ftp after installation. All settings for kernel startup and node configuration are stored in this folder.

INtime License Installation

Once installed and configured the final step is activating the INtime Distributed RTOS installation. There are three options to obtain a license. Each of these three options can use either method: with delegate user accounts or with Entitlements. The Operations Manager must decide which method is used:

1) Entitlement method OR

2) Delegate user account method

When a license is installed, it is one line in the lservrc file, found in the /config directory.

See detailed instructions for each option & method on the policies page:
This page also has the Customer Operations Manager Guide to help decide which option and method is best for your operation.

License Management tab in the web interface

The License Management tab is the interactive option to obtaining a license. The target host must be connected to a network that has access to the internet and the GUI automates the process.

Command Line

The command line option is used when it is desired to obtain a license using an automated script via the licman DRTOS utility in INshell or the DRTOS console.

TenAsys License Portal

The license portal option for users that cannot or do not want to have the target host connected to the internet for security or other reasons. The process consists of capturing the “fingerprint” from the target host and copying this “fingerprint” to a computer that has access to the internet.

Open the TenAsys License Portal at in an internet browser to use an Entitlement.

Open the TenAsys License Portal at in an internet browser to use a delegate user account.

Both contain a button to switch to the other method. Provide the "fingerprint" to the TenAsys License Portal. Copy the returned license string onto the target host.