INtime SDK Help
USB calls
INtime SDK v6 > About INtime > Networking and I/O > USB > USB calls

USB Initialization Calls

The client uses these calls to attach to the USB subsystem and, optionally, to claim a particular interface.

To . . . Use this system call . . .
Wait for the USB stack to become available. UsbSynchronize
Find USB devices attached to the bus. UsbFindFirstDevice, UsbFindNextDevice
Find a matching entry in a table of device descriptions. UsbMatchId
Get a description of available USB devices. UsbGetDeviceDesriptions
Wait for attach and detach events. UsbWaitForEvent
Wait for attach and detach events and call a function. UsbEventsWithCallback
Claim a device and obtain a handle UsbOpenDevice
Close a device and release the handle UsbCloseDevice

USB Transfer Calls

These calls simplify standard control functions by avoiding having to allocate, fill, and submit a control URB in each case. They perform the standard set of USB control functions.

To . . . Use this system call . . .
Create a control transfer and synchronously submit it, returning upon completion or time out UsbControlXfer
Create a bulk transfer and submit it synchronously, returning from the call upon completion or time out UsbBulkXfer
Create an interrupt transfer and submit it synchronously, returning from the call upon completion or time out UsbInterruptXfer
Create a bulk transfer and submit it asynchronously UsbBulkXferAsync
Create an interrupt transfer and submit it asynchronously UsbInterruptXferAsync
Cancel operations outstanding on a pipe UsbCancelXfer
Clear a stall condition on an endpoint UsbClearStall
Get the current status of an endpoint UsbGetEndpointStatus
Get the current status of a device UsbGetDeviceStatus

USB Configuration Calls

To . . . Use this system call . . .
Return the descriptor of given type and index UsbGetDescriptor
Return the device descriptor for a given handle UsbGetDeviceDescriptor
Return the interface descriptor for a given handle UsbGetInterfaceDescriptor
Return the endpoint descriptor for the given interface handle and endpoint index UsbGetEndpointDescriptor
Return the number of endpoints for a given interface UsbGetEndpointCount
Return a configuration descriptor given a device handle UsbGetConfigDescriptor
Get the current configuration number of a given device UsbGetConfiguration
Create a control transfer and synchronously submit it, returning from the call when it completes or times out. UsbSetConfiguration
Set an alternative setting number of a given interface UsbSetAltInterface
Get the alternative setting number of a given interface UsbGetAltInterface
Get a string descriptor in UTF-16LE format UsbGetLanguageString
Get a string descriptor in ASCII format and US/English language ID UsbGetAsciiString


Misc USB Calls

To . . . Use this system call . . .
Get a strng from USB error code UsbGetErrorString


See Also