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INtime SDK v6 > About INtime > Networking and I/O > High-Performance Ethernet > hpeAttachTransmitBufferSet

This call is an alias for hpeAttachTransmitBufferSetToQueue with queue_index set to 0.

HPESTATUS hpeAttachTransmitBufferSet(
    HPEHANDLE devhandle, 
    HPETXBUFFERSET *tx_buffer_set


A handle value for the device.
A pointer to a HPETXBUFFERSET structure, which describes a set of buffers to be used for transmitting frames.

Return Values

A status value indicating the success or failure of the operation:

E_OK The operation completed successfully.
E_EXIST The handle given is not a handle for an open HPE interface.
E_INVALID_ADDR The tx_buffer_set parameter was not a valid pointer.
E_PARAM At least one of the tx_buffer_set, fragment_count or buffer_count fields was zero, or too big for the buffer allocated.
E_STATE The transmit engine was active at the time of the call and it was not possible to attach the buffers.
E_LIMIT The transmit descriptor list is full; no more buffers can be added. The size of the transmitter buffer queue can be set when the driver is loaded.
E_TRANSMISSION The physical link is down; no buffers can be added to the queue.
If this condition is received, terminate any outstanding receive operation, then close the interface (hpeClose) and reinitialize the software before reopening the interface.


Versions Defined in Include Link to
INtime 4.0 intime/rt/include/hpeif2.h hpeif2.h hpeif2.lib
See Also