To . . . |
Use this system call . . . |
Initialization and configuration |
Initialize an Ethernet interface |
hpeOpen |
Similar to hpeOpen; specify additional options |
hpeOpenWithOptions |
Close an Ethernet interface indicated by the handle parameter |
hpeClose |
Obtain information about the hardware interface |
hpeGetInterfaceInfo |
Configure options for the Ethernet controller, such as multicast packet reception |
hpeConfigOptions |
Obtain a list of queue features supported by the hardware interface |
hpeGetQueueConfiguration |
Report the interface's 6-byte MAC address |
hpeGetMacAddress |
Report the current status of the media interface of the Ethernet controller |
hpeGetMediaStatus |
Obtain statistics from a queue |
hpeGetQueueStats |
Receive |
Allocate a receive buffer set which is compatible with the network device |
hpeAllocateReceiveBufferSet |
Attaches a set of receive buffers to a queue for use by the DMA engine to receive Ethernet frames. |
hpeAttachReceiveBufferSetToQueue |
Attach a set of receive buffers to queue 0 for use by the DMA engine to receive Ethernet frames. |
hpeAttachReceiveBufferSet |
Free memory allocated by hpeAllocateReceiveBufferSet |
hpeFreeReceiveBufferSet |
Return a pointer to the next receive buffer in the default receive queue which has a fully-received frame in it |
hpeGetReceiveBuffer |
Return a pointer to the next receive buffer in the designated queue which has a fully-received frame in it. |
hpeGetReceiveQueueBuffer |
Returns the receive buffer obtained by hpeGetReceiveBuffer to the network device on queue 0. |
hpeReturnReceiveBuffer |
Returns the receive buffer obtained by hpeGetReceiveBuffer to the network device on the designated queue. |
hpeReturnReceiveQueueBuffer |
Determine the queue to receive packets that are not matched by a filter. |
hpeSetDefaultReceiveQueue |
Enable or disable receipt of all packets (promiscuous mode) at the device. |
hpeSetPromiscuousMode |
Set the type of a receive queue. |
hpeSetReceiveQueueAttributes |
Enable a receive queue filter by setting its parameters. |
hpeSetReceiveQueueFilter |
Instruct the caller to sleep until the next receive interrupt occurs for the default queue. |
hpeWaitForReceiveComplete |
Instruct the caller to sleep until the next receive interrupt occurs for the designated queue. |
hpeWaitForReceiveQueueComplete |
Transmit |
Attach a set of transmit buffers to the driver on queue 0. |
hpeAttachTransmitBufferSet |
Attach a set of transmit buffers to the driver on designated queue. |
hpeAttachTransmitBufferSetToQueue |
Return a value indicating the current state of the transmitter of queue 0. |
hpeGetTransmitterState |
Return a value indicating the current state of the transmitter of the designated queue. |
hpeGetTransmitterQueueState |
Set the time to subtract from the launch time to begin packet fetch. |
hpeSetTransmitFetchDelta |
Set the type of a transmit queue. |
hpeSetTransmitQueueAttributes |
Set the global offset to be added to the launch time. |
hpeSetTransmitTimeOffset |
Set the priority of a transmit queue. |
hpeSetTransmitQueuePriority |
Cause the transmitter to transmit any and all frames which are ready to be sent from queue 0. |
hpeStartTransmitter |
Cause the transmitter to transmit any and all frames which are ready to be sent from designated queue. |
hpeStartTransmitterQueue |
Instruct the caller to sleep until the next transmit interrupt occurs for queue 0. |
hpeWaitForTransmitComplete |
Instruct the caller to sleep until the next transmit interrupt occurs for the designated queue. |
hpeWaitForTransmitQueueComplete |
Timers and IEEE 1588 Time Support |
Signal a semaphore when a target time is reached. |
hpeSetTargetTimer |
Read the 1588 time from the controller. |
hpe1588GetSystemTime |
Write the 1588 time to the controller. |
hpe1588SetSystemTime |
Adjust the 1588 system clock in the controller. |
hpe1588AdjustSystemTime |
Set the offset at which the 1588 timestamp is written in transmit packets. |
hpe1588SetTimestampOffset |
Retrieve the receive timestamp from the packet buffer. |
hpe1588GetRxTimestamp |
Retrieve the timestamp for the most recently transmitted packet. |
hpe1588GetTxTimestamp |
Retrieve the size of the timestamp header. |
hpe1588GetRxTimestampHeaderSize |
Add two 1588 time values. |
hpe1588TimeAdd |
Subtract a 1588 time values from another. |
hpe1588TimeSubtract |
Compare two 1588 time values. |
hpe1588TimeCompare |
Return the difference between two 1588 time values. |
hpe1588TimeDifference |