INtime SDK Help
x (SDM)

Allows you to examine and optionally modify the contents of NPX and CPU registers such as the thread state segment.

x [n] 
x [[cpu-reg][.bitname][=expression]] 
x [[npx-reg][=hex#|real#]] 
x tss [(expression)][.reg[=expression]]
For an example, click here.


If you use the x command with no parameters, SDM displays the current contents of the CPU registers with respect to your application at the time the fault, trap, or break occurred.

Instructs SDM to display the contents of the NPX registers and NPX stack registers.
The abbreviation for the Intel386, Intel486, or Pentium† microprocessor register that you want to display or modify.

If you do not include any other parameters, SDM displays the contents of the register or bit followed by a dash (-) prompt. At this point, to change the register or bit value, enter the new value followed by a <CR>. If you do not want to change the value, enter a <CR>.

The register abbreviations you can enter are listed below. Not all registers may be accessible on your CPU. For example, CR4 is not defined on the Intel386 microprocessor. Abbreviations include:

Register type 32-bit 16-bit 8-bit
General Registers EAX
Stack Pointer ESP SP
Code Segment CS
Data Segment DS
Stack Segment SS
Extra Data Segments ES
Flag Register EFL FL
Instruction Pointer EIP IP
Control Registers CR0

The FL, EFL, MSW, CR0, CR3, and CR4 registers are special registers containing bit fields. SDM displays the contents of these registers first with the binary values and a mnemonic for each bit field, then as a hexadecimal word value. For example, the display of EFL might be as follows, where 0 or 1 as a mnemonic indicates a reserved bit field:

 0  0   0   0  0  0  0  0  00   0  0  1  0  0  1  0  0  0  1  1  0
00000246 -

The mnemonics for bit fields in the special registers are listed below.

EFL & FL Bit Names CR0 & MSW Bit Names
AC Alignment Check AM Alignment Mask
AF* Auxiliary Carry Flag CD Cache Disable
CF* Carry Flag EM** Emulation Mode (Coprocessor)
DF* Direction Flag ET** Extension Type
IF* Interrupt Enable Flag MP** Math Present (Monitor Coprocessor)
ID Identification Flag NE Numerics Exception
IOPL* I/O Privilege Level (2 bits) NW Not Write-Through
NT* Nested Thread Flag PE** Protection Enable
OF* Overflow Flag PG Paging Enable
PF* Parity Flag TS** Thread Switch
RF Resume Flag WP Write Protect
SF* Sign Flag CR3 Bit Names
TF* Trap Enable Flag PCD Page Cache Disable
VIF Virtual Interrupt Flag PWT Page Write-Through
VIP Virtual Interrupt Pending (no mnemonic) Physical base addres of page director table in bits 12-31
VM Virtual 8086 Mode CR4 Bit Names
ZF* Zero Flag DE Debugging Extensions
MCE Machine Check Enable
PSE Page Size Extensions
PVI Protected mode Virtual Interrupt
TSD Time Stamp Disable
VME Virtual 8086 Mode Extensions

* Bit fields in the Flags register (FL), which is a subset of EFL
** Bit fields in the Machine Status Word (MSW), which is a subset of CR0

To display and change a single bit field from one of the special registers, follow the cpu-reg name with a period (.) and the mnemonic for the bit field. For example, to display only the Carry Flag from the Extended Flags register, you would enter:
An expression that corresponds to a value you want to place in the register or TSS you specified. The equal sign (=) preceding the expression parameter instructs SDM to place the value in the register.
The abbreviation for the math coprocessor (NPX) register you want to display and optionally modify. The following lists the NPX registers and the abbreviations known to SDM.
Register Name Abbreviation Register Name Abbreviation
NPX State N Status Word SW
Control Word CW Tag Word TW
Instrution Pointer IP* Data Pointer DP*
Stack Register 0 ST(0) Stack Register 4 ST(4)
Stack Register 1 ST(1) Stack Register 5 ST(5)
Stack Register 2 ST(2) Stack Register 6 ST(6)
Stack Register 3 ST(3) Stack Register 7 ST(7)

* These registers cannot be modified.

If you do not include any further parameters, SDM displays the contents of the NPX register followed by a dash (-) prompt.

At this point, to change the register value, you can enter a value. Enter stack register values as real numbers; enter all other NPX registers values as words. You cannot modify the IP and DP registers for the NPX. If you do not want to change the NPX register value or display any further NPX register contents, enter a <CR>.

The hexadecimal number you want to place in the NPX register you specified.
The real number you want to place in the NPX stack register you specified.
The thread state segment (TSS) option instructs SDM to display the contents of the thread state segment. The contents of the TSS are listed in the next table.

To access TSS registers, use this parameter. If you do not include any further parameters, SDM displays the current contents of the TSS whose selector is in the TR register.

Name Abbreviation
Local Descriptor Table Register LDTR
Interrupt Descriptor Table Register IDTR
Global Descriptor Table Register GDTR
Thread Register TR
Link to Nested Thread LINK
Level 0 Stack Segment SS0
Level 1 Stack Segment SS1
Level 2 Stack Segment SS2
Level 0 Stack Pointer ESP0
Level 1 Stack Pointer ESP1
Level 2 Stack Pointer ESP2
A selector for a TSS.

If you do not include any further parameters, SDM displays the contents of the indicated TSS.

The name of the TSS component that you wish to display. Include a period (.) before the component name so SDM can recognize the name.

If you do not include any further parameters, SDM displays the contents of the register in the TSS followed by a dash (-) prompt.

At this point, to change the TSS component register value, enter the new value followed by a <CR>. If you do not want to change the TSS contents, enter a <CR>.


If you use the x command with both a register name and an expression, the modification you specify takes place immediately and SDM does not display the new value. If you redisplay the NPX state (after modification), SDM displays the results of the change you made.

You can use the x command to set the registers or the TSS contents to any value. If you use any invalid values, SDM reports them and does not execute the change.


  1. This example shows the results of invoking the x command with no parameters on an Intel386-based board:

    SDM responds with this display:

    EAX=0000FFFF  CS=1000  EIP=00000000  EFL=00000000  LDTR=2A0
    EBX=0000FFFF  SS=0000  ESP=00000428  BP=0000FFFF   TR=278
    ECX=0000FFFF  DS=0000  ESI=0000FFFF  FS=0000       MSW=FFF0
    EDX=0000FFFF  ES=0000  EDI=0000FFFF  GS=0000
    GDTR .BASE=00000000          .LIMIT=0000
    IDTR .BASE=00000000          .LIMIT=0000
  2. This example illustrates the results of invoking the x command with only the n option as a parameter:

    SDM responds:

    CW: X  X  X IC  R  C  P  C IM  X PM UM OM ZM DM IM 
        0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1   IP = 00000:0000
    SW: B C3  T  O  P C2 C1 C0 IR  X PE UE OE ZE DE IE 
        0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0      
    TW: T  7  T  6  T  5  T  4  T  3  T  2  T  1  T  0 
        0  0  0  0  1  1  1  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  1   DP = 00000:0000
    ST(0) ZERO     00000000000000000000R   0
    ST(1) VALID    3FFF999999999999999AR   1.2
    ST(2) VALID    BFFF999999999999999AR  -1.2
    ST(3) SPECIAL  FFFF0000000000000000R  -Infinity
    ST(4) SPECIAL  7FFFFF00000000000000R  +NAN
    ST(5) EMPTY    4000C90FDA9E46A7843ER   3.14159265
    ST(6) VALID    4CF5F08B8D41AF800AC8R   1.23456E+999
    ST(7) VALID    3FFF1800000000000000R   .1875 UNNORM 3 BITS

    See also

    CW, SW, and TW output fields, in the hardware reference manual for your microprocessor

  3. This example instructs SDM to display the contents of the thread state segment whose selector is 068H:
    ..x tss(68)

    SDM responds:

    EAX=00001234 CS=0020 EIP=00000000 EFL=00000000 LDTR=02D0 LINK=0058
    EBX=00001234 SS=0000 ESP=00000428 EBP=0000FFFF SS0=0020  ESP0=0000FFFE
    ECX=00001234 DS=0000 ESI=0000FFFF  FS=0000     SS1=0000  ESP1=00000000
    EDX=00001234 ES=0000 EDI=0000FFFF  GS=0000     SS2=0000  ESP2=00000000

See Also

Debugging tools, System Debug Monitor (SDM)