INtime SDK Help
vm (SDM)
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Display information about virtual and physical memory.

    Same as vmf
    Display the physical page pool information and free list for a process.
    Display the physical page allocation list for a process
    Display the kernel heap information for a process


The handle of a vseg object or a process object for which you want to display information. If the handle is omitted then the root process handle is assumed.


The vm command determines the type of INtime kernel object represented by the handle and displays information about that object. The information and the format in which SDM displays the information depends on the type of object. These sections are divided into display groups illustrating the display format for these INtime kernel objects:

Process display If the parameter you specify is a valid process handle, SDM displays information about the process having that handle, as the sample display shows:

Root process display

.. vm
Job 0258 PAGES FREE: pool pages min=2601H, max=2601H, alloced=288H borrowed=0H
    Page pool [0]@d5e2f000 base=d5e31000, pages=1ffdH
      [01 - 01 pages] frags=0H
      [02 - 03 pages] frags=0H
      [04 - 07 pages] frags=0H
      [08 - 15 pages] frags=0H
      [16 - 31 pages] frags=0H
      [32 - 63 pages] frags=1H
            pa=d68bb000 pages=22H
      [  >= 64 pages] frags=3H
            pa=d60e0000 pages=9dH
            pa=d68ed000 pages=e5H
            pa=d69e2000 pages=144cH
    Page pool [1]@db670000 base=db672000, pages=600H
      [01 - 01 pages] frags=0H
      [02 - 03 pages] frags=0H
      [04 - 07 pages] frags=0H
      [08 - 15 pages] frags=0H
      [16 - 31 pages] frags=0H
      [32 - 63 pages] frags=0H
      [  >= 64 pages] frags=1H
            pa=db672000 pages=600H
Total FREE physical pages = 1bf0H


The root job may have multiple physical page pools. Other jobs will have only one.

    pages min        - Initial (minimum) page pool size for the job
    pages max        - Maximum page pool size of the job
    pages alloced    - Number of pages allocated for the job
    pages borrowed   - Number of pages borrowed from parent pools

Page allocation list for a process

.. vma 3080
Job 3080 PAGES ALLOC: pool pages min=10H, max=ffffffffH, alloced=cH borrowed=17H
    pa=00000000d6117000 pages=00000001 pool=00000000d6115000  PTRK
    pa=00000000d6122000 pages=00000001 pool=00000000d6115000  VPGE
    pa=00000000d6125000 pages=00000007 pool=00000000d5e2f000* VPGE
    pa=00000000d6121000 pages=00000001 pool=00000000d6115000  VPGE
    pa=00000000d6120000 pages=00000001 pool=00000000d6115000  VPGE
    pa=00000000d6118000 pages=00000008 pool=00000000d6115000  HEAP


Memory allocated from HEAP is dedicated to objects allocated to the process.

    pa      - physical address
    pages   - number of pages in the allocation
    pool    - the pool the pages came from. This is the physical address of the pool header. If 
a pool is starred (*), it is a parent pool. Unstarred pools belong to the process. PTRK - page dedicated to tracking allocated pages HEXT - Additional blocks allocated to the heap HEAP - Initial heap anchor block VPGE - Pages allocated and mapped into process via AllocateRtMemory

Kernel heap information for a process

.. vmh 3080
Job 3080 HEAP : page quantum=8H ttl_blks=1H ttl_pages=8H largest=3890H
                extants=9H min_alloc=20H max_alloc=2010H
                alloc_ops=fH free_ops=6H

    Free Range  | Largest          | Count
        =  16  :                0H : 0H
      <=  32  :              50H : 1H
      <=  64  :                0H : 0H
      <=  128  :                0H : 0H
      <=  256  :                0H : 0H
      <=  512  :                0H : 0H
      >  512  :            3890H : 2H


        page quantum  - the number of pages to allocate per block
        ttl_blks      - the number blocks allocated
        ttl_pages     - the total number of pages allocated
        largest       - the largest free space (bytes) within the heap 
        extants       - the number of items allocated
        min_alloc     - the minimum size (bytes) of an allocated buffer
        max_alloc     - the maximum size (bytes) of an allocated buffer
        alloc_ops     - the total number of allocation operations to date on this heap
        free_ops      - the total number of free operations to date on this heap

Vseg display

If the parameter you specify is a valid vseg handle, SDM displays information about the virtual memory managed by that VSEG, as the sample display shows:

Vseg xxxx memory list
  PD(0T) 00000000-ca198427
    PT  la 00000000  pa 00000000-ca198000  size 00001000
    AM  la 00001000  pa 00000000-ca197000  size 00002000
    FM  la 00003000  pa -----------------  size 0001d000
    MM  la 00021000  pa 00000000-ca1a9000  size 00052000
    MM  la 00073000  pa 00000000-ca1fd000  size 00020000
    FM  la 00093000  pa -----------------  size 0016d000
  PD(1T) 00000007-ff003ffe
    FM  la 00200000  pa -----------------  size 00200000
  PD(2T) 00000000-ca199427
    PT  la 00400000  pa 00000000-ca199000  size 00001000
    AM  la 00401000  pa 00000000-ca1a2000  size 00008000
    FM  la 00409000  pa -----------------  size 001f7000
  PD(3T) 00000007-ffefbffe
    FM  la 00600000  pa -----------------  size efa00000
  PD(1920T) 00000000-c9f13627
    SM  la f0000000  pa -----------------  size 10000000
Total free vmem size eff81000

The display fields are:

The handle of the vseg being displayed.
A raw Page Directory entry used for managing a piece of virtual memory.
Information about the Page Table referenced by a Page Directory entry:
la - the zero-based linear address of the virtual memory area defined by the Page Table
pa - the physical address of the Page Table
size - the total size of the Page Table(s), in bytes, that are used for this section of virtual memory
Information about an allocated area of memory:
la - the zero-based linear address associated with the allocated memory area
pa - the physical address of RAM associated with the allocated memory area
size - the total size of the allocated virtual memory area, in bytes, including OS overhead
Information about a mapped area of memory:
la - the zero-based linear address associated with the mapped memory area
pa - the physical address of RAM associated with the mapped memory area
size - the total size of the mapped virtual memory area, in bytes, including OS overhead
Information about a free area of memory:
la - the zero-based linear address associated with the free memory area
pa - there is no physical RAM associated with a free memory area
size - the total size of the free virtual memory area, in bytes
Information about an area of system memory reserved for use by the operating system:
la - the zero-based linear address associated with the system memory area
pa - there is no information about physical RAM associated with a system memory area
size - the total size of the system virtual memory area, in bytes
Total free vmem size
The sum of all the free virtual memory areas of the vseg
See Also