INtime SDK Help
vh (SDM)

Lists the SDM commands with their parameters and descriptions.





In this example of the help display, angle brackets (< >) surround required variable fields; square and angle brackets ([< >]) surround optional fields.

INtime System Debugger, 1.0
Copyright 1997 RadiSys Corporation',0));
      vc [<POINTER>]         Display system call.
      vd <Process HANDLE>    Display process''s object directory.',0));
      vf                     Displays number of free slots available to user.
      vh                     Display help information.
      vj [<Process HANDLE>]  Display process hierarchy from specified level. 
      vk                     Display ready and sleeping threads.
      vo <Process HANDLE>    Display list of objects for specified process.
vp Display PCI system data.
vq Display interrupt configuration table. vs [<count>] Display stack and system call information. vt <HANDLE> Display INtime object. vu <Thread HANDLE> Unwind thread stack, displaying system calls.

The system uses default values if you specify 0 for any of the optional parameters. Using 0 for required parameters causes the system to display a syntax error message.

Error Messages

Syntax Error
You made an error entering the command.
See Also