SNTP.rta is a client and server implementation of the SNTP protocol as described in RFC 4330
sntp.rta [options] [server [...]]
The parameters in the [SNTP] section in the "Advanced" parameters for the node set the default behavior of the utility, but may be overriden by the command line parameters.
ENABLED=0FFH;Is SNTP enabled. If not, then sntp exits immediately
PRIORITY=082H; Priority of Client and Server threads. Min 130, max 254
DEBUG=0H; Debug mode
VERBOSE=0; Verbosity level Min 0, max 255
CMOSUPDATE=0H; Update PC CMOS clock when time is first set. Default 0
DNSREFRESH=05H; How often server names should be resolved by DNS. Min 5 minutes, max unlimited
MINADJUST=14H; The minimum time difference to adjust. Default 20 milliseconds. Min 20, Max unlimited.
GRADADJUST=05H; The maximum amount of time difference to gradually adjust. Min 5 minutes, max unlimited
CLIENTMODE=1H; The mode for the client. 0 = unicast client 1 = many cast client 2 = broadcast client.
SERVERMODE=0H; The mode for the server. This value is a bit mask. 0 = no server 1 = unicast server 2 = broadcast server 4 = many cast server
REFRESH=040H; How often to refresh the time Min 64 seconds, max unlimited
SERVER0=''; The first SNTP server. May be DNS name or ip address.
SERVER1=''; The second SNTP server. May be DNS name or ip address.
SERVER2=''; The third SNTP server. May be DNS name or ip address.
This service is currently only supported on INtime Distributed RTOS hosts.