pcitool.rta is an INtime utility which displays information about the PCI devices in the local system. It runs in one of two modes:
Immediate mode: commands are provided on the command line which are executed at once.
Interactive: a prompt is displayes and the user can type commands in the tool.
The command format is the same in each mode.
Immediate mode:
pcitool cmd [args..]
Interactive mode:
where cmd is one of:
read <options> <device> offset [count] -- read configuration data
write <options> <device> offset value -- write configuration data
find deviceID [vendorID] -- locate a device by ID(s)
class classID -- locate device(s) by class ID(s)
header <device> -- display a device header
bus -- display bus and bridge info
scan [info|addr|all] -- scan the PCI bus
(with bus/irq|with address|toggle 'all' option)
irq -- show interrupt assignment info
msi -- show MSI info
msix -- show MSI-X info
cfg -- show devices in .CFG file format
mcfg -- dump MCFG record information
rth -- detect RTH support
dump -- dump PCIBUS device scan list
method [standard|legacy|pcie|auto|check]-- show/change PCI access method
exit|quit -- leave the utility
help -- print this message
The <options> field can be 'byte', 'word' or 'dword' and sets the word size
for the read and write operations.
(count defaults to 1 and vendorID defaults to 0x8086)
'device' is the PCI address (default 0) where 'device' is
of the form [bus:]dev[.func]
For example:
pci header 2:0.1 - reads the header from device 0 on bus 2, function 1
pci write 6.1 4 0x1f - writes to device 6, function 1 (on bus 0)
pci read dword 7 0 0 - reads the first dword from device 7 on bus 0;