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Load and configuration the networking stack.

netload.rta [-dvp] [-f file] 


The netload utility loads the components of the net7 networking stack. Principally, it loads the stack itself (istack.rta), then runs run configuration utilities.

The following options are available:

-d Dry-run only. Only show what would be loaded.
-v Show what is being loaded as it is happening.
-p Wait for the Windows INtime I/O proxy to finish initialization before processing.
-f Use an alternate configuration file relative to $NODECONFIG .

Lines within the .cfg files are single commands which are loaded and executed. Lines beginning with the ‘#’ are considered comments. Lines beginning with ‘-‘ are executing without waiting for completion. All commands are loaded relative to the %INTIME%network7 directory.


%intimecfg%{nodename}etc\netuser0.cfg User-defined operations that are run before netload.cfg.
%intimecfg%{nodename}etc\netload.cfg Load and configure stack components. Do not edit this file directly as it changed by the configuration utility.
%intimecfg%{nodename}etc\netuser.cfg User-defined operations that are run after the stack is loaded.

Lines within the .cfg files are single commands which are loaded and executed. Lines beginning with the ‘#’ are considered comments. Lines beginning with ‘-‘ are executing without waiting for completion. All commands are loaded relative to the %INTIME%network7 directory.

# this is a comment

# the following line loads the stack

istack.rta –i ven0

# the following line loads the command without waiting for completion of the command

-tcpdump.rta –i ven0


INtime 4.0
See Also