INtime SDK Help
Advanced Parameters (adv.rta)
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INtime SDK v7.1 > INtime Utilities > Advanced Parameters (adv.rta)

Advanced parameters are intended for the expert user and are always node specific. The set of advanced sections and parameters is not fixed and can be extended. Advanced sections and contained parameters are identified by strings. Each parameter has a fixed set of properties which are identified by numbers; the value property must be present, the other ones are optional. The function names include the term ‘Adv’ and a node name must be specified.


adv <nodename> list
adv <nodename> list <section>
adv <nodename> new <section>
adv <nodename> get <section> <param>
adv <nodename> set <section> <param> {dword|string} <value>
adv <nodename> del <section>
adv <nodename> del <section> <param>