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strtoll, wcstoll
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Converts a string to a long long integer value.

#include <stdlib.h>

long long strtoll(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base);

#include <wchar.h>

long long wcstoll(const wchar_t *nptr, wchar_t **endptr, int base);


String to convert; a sequence of characters that can be interpreted as a numerical value of the specified type.
End of scan.
Number base to use.


strtoll expects nptr to point to a string with this form:


These functions stop reading the string at the first character they cannot recognize as part of a number. This may be the null character \0 at the end of the string. With strtoll, this terminating character can also be the first numeric character greater than or equal to base. If endptr is not a null pointer, a pointer to the character that stopped the scan is stored at the location pointed to by endptr.

If no conversion can be performed (no valid digits are found or an invalid base is specified), the value of nptr is stored at the location pointed to by endptr.

Base Description
Between 2 and 36 Base used as the base of the number.
0 The initial characters of the string pointed to by nptr determine the base.
1st char = 0 and 2nd char not = x or X The string is interpreted as an octal integer; otherwise, it is interpreted as a decimal number.
1st char = 0 and 2nd char = x or X The string is interpreted as a hexadecimal integer.
1st char = 1 through 9 The string is interpreted as a decimal integer.
a through z or A through Z Are assigned the values 10 through 35; only letters whose assigned values are less than base are permitted.

strtoul allows a plus (+) or minus (-) sign prefix; a leading minus sign indicates that the return value is negated.

Return Values

strtoll returns the value represented in the string nptr, except when the representation would cause an overflow, in which case it returns LONG_MAX or LONG_MIN. strtoll returns 0 if no conversion can be performed.

wcstoll returns values analogously to strtoll. For both functions, errno is set to ERANGE if overflow or underflow occurs.

Generic Text Routines

tchar.h routine _UNICODE not defined _UNICODE defined
_tcstoll strtoll wcstoll


Versions Defined in Include Link to
INtime 3.0
INtime 6.0 (wide-character and generic text versions)
See Also