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INtime For Windows Services
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INtime SDK v7.1 > References > INtime For Windows Services

INtime for Windows installs a number of Windows services to support its operation.

INtime Remote Connection Manager

An INtime application that detects and manages connections from the Windows host to its RT clients.

The manager includes NtxRemote3.exe , which is required for a Windows host to communicate with its networked clients.

INtime Clock Synchronization service

A Windows application that synchronizes RT client time-of-day clocks with the Windows host's time-of-day clock.

The RT Clock Synchronization service includes these components:

INtime Database Service

A Windows application, rtdbsrv.exe, which provides database services to the Distributed Systems Manager.

INtime Event Log service

A Windows program that provides Windows event log access to RT processes via the RT application library's event log entry points.

The RT Event Log service includes these components:

INtime I/O Service

A Windows service which provides Windows file system and console access for INtime processes via the RT interface (rtrsl.rsl) from INtime 6 forwards. The legacy I/O service is still provided for backwards-compatibility.

The following components are included:

Legacy INtime I/O service

A Windows program that provides Windows file system and console access to RT processes via the RT C and CPP libraries.

The RT I/O service includes these components:

INtime Kernel Manager

A Windows application that loads and starts INtime nodes on the local host.

The Service installer service includes these components:

INtime mDNS Service

A Windows application which interacts with the Apple Bonjour Service (if installed) to provide simple Name Services for INtime hosts. This is an optional component provided for convenience.

INtime Node Detection service

A Windows program that detects RT clients, both local and remote. This program checks for and registers RT clients that exist in both of these locations:

The RT Client Detection service includes these components:

INtime Registry service

A Windows program that provides Windows registry access to RT processes via the RT application library. The RT Registry service includes these components:

Troubleshooting with the INtime Services

If you are having trouble with a specific service, you can turn on more detailed debug information in the event log by setting a flag in the registry. Each service has its own key:


where ??? is the name of the INtime service. You can create a REG_DWORD value in that key named DebugLevel and set it from 0-5 to enable different levels of debug information. For INtime IO Proxy debug information, you can create a REG_DWORD value named ProxyDebugLevel in the INtimeIO service key.

Events and debug information are written to the INtime event log.

Flag Output Description
    REG_DWORD DebugLevel
0= off, 1-5 = various levels of output
    REG_DWORD DebugLevel
0= off, 1-5 = various levels of output
    REG_DWORD ProxyDebugLevel
0= off, 1-5 = various levels of output