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INtime SDK v7.1 > About INtime > INtime Kernel > Message Queues > ntxCreateRtQueue

Creates a message queue object. The threshold and queue size determine the number of messages which may be received in the queue object.

NTXHANDLE ntxCreateRtQueue(
DWORD queueSize,
DWORD msgThreshold,
DWORD flags);


The location of the node where the queue is to be created.
The total size of the queue buffer. Note that there is an overhead of 30 bytes per message in the buffer.
This value must be at least 32 bytes.
The maximum number of bytes in a short message in this queue. Messages longer than this will be delivered as long messages. This is an arbitrary value which determines the method used to send the message. If you do not wish to send short messages, this value may be set to 0 which will force all messages to be sent as long messages.
(reserved for future use, set to 0).


Returns a valid queue handle on success, or else NTX_BAD_NTXHANDLE to indicate failure. The failure status is returned from ntxGetLastRtError(). Status codes returned from this call include:

E_MEM Not enough memory available to create this object
E_PARAM The queueSize parameter is less than the minimum allowed or the msgThreshold parameter is out of range.
E_SLOT The system has reached its object limit
E_LIMIT The calling process has reached its object limit
E_LOCATION The NTXLOCATION value does not represent a valid, running node location.


Versions Defined in Include Link to
INtime 5.0 intime/nt/include/ntx.h ntx.h ntx.lib, ntxext.lib
See Also