To . . . |
Use this system call . . . |
A title |
MHPE master process calls |
Find the location of a MHPE master process |
mhpeFindMaster |
Attach to an MHPE master process |
mhpeAttachMaster |
Detach from MHPE master process |
mhpeDetachMaster |
Interface calls |
Create an interface on a node |
mhpeCreateInterface |
Enumerate existing interfaces on a node |
mhpeEnumInterfaces |
Open an existing interface |
mhpeOpenInterface |
Delete an interface |
mhpeDeleteInterface |
Create an interface with options |
mhpeCreateInterfaceWithOptions |
Close an interface |
mhpeCloseInterface |
Configure options for an interface |
mhpeConfigOptions |
Get interface information |
mhpeGetInterfaceInfo |
Get interface current media status |
mhpeGetMediaStatus |
Get interface MAC address |
mhpeGetMacAddress |
Enable or disable receipt of all packets (promiscuous mode) at interface |
mhpeSetPromiscuousMode |
Obtain a list of queue features supported by the hardware interface |
mhpeGetQueueConfiguration |
Endpoint calls |
Enumerate endpoints of an interface |
mhpeEnumEndpoints |
Open an endpoint by type and index |
mhpeOpenEndpoint |
Open an endpoint by name |
mhpeOpenEndpointByName |
Close an endpoint |
mhpeCloseEndpoint |
Get statistics for a transmit or receive endpoint |
mhpeGetEndpointStats |
Transmit endpoint calls |
Attach a set of transmit buffers to a transmit endpoint |
mhpeAttachTransmitBufferSet |
Return the current state of the transmitter at endpoint |
mhpeGetTransmitterState |
Sleep until the next transmit interrupt occurs for endpoint |
mhpeWaitForTransmitComplete |
Set the type of transmit queue for endpoint |
mhpeSetTransmitAttributes |
Start the transmitter at endpoint |
mhpeStartTransmitter |
Set the transmit priority for the endpoint |
mhpeSetTransmitPriority |
Set the global offset to be added to the launch time for the endpoint |
mhpeSetTransmitTimeOffset |
Set the time to subtract from the launch time to be begin packet fetch on endpoint |
mhpeSetTransmitFetchDelta |
Receive endpoint calls |
Allocate a receive buffer set which is compatible with the network device |
mhpeAllocateReceiveBufferSet |
Free a previously-allocated receive buffer set |
mhpeFreeReceiveBufferSet |
Attach a receive buffer set to a receive endpoint |
mhpeAttachReceiveBufferSet |
Sleep until the next receive interrupt occurs for the endpoint |
mhpeWaitForReceiveComplete |
Return a pointer to the next receive buffer at the endpoint which has a fully-received frame in it |
mhpeGetReceiveBuffer |
Returns the receive buffer obtained by mhpeGetReceiveBuffer to the endpoint |
mhpeReturnReceiveBuffer |
Set the type of the receive endpoint |
mhpeSetReceiveAttributes |
Set the receive endpoint to receive all packets not matched by a filter |
mhpeSetDefaultReceiveEndpoint |
Enable a receive endpoint filter by settings its parameters |
mhpeSetReceiveFilter |
Get receive filter |
mhpeGetReceiveFilter |
1588 timer calls |
Read the 1588 time from the timer endpoint |
mhpe1588GetSystemTime |
Set the 1588 time at the timer endpoint |
mhpe1588SetSystemTime |
Adjust the 1588 time at the time endpoint |
mhpe1588AdjustSystemTime |
Set the byte offset at which the 1588 timestamp is written in the transmit packets |
mhpe1588SetTimestampOffset |
Get the transmit timestamp for the most recently transmitted packet |
mhpe1588GetTxTimestamp |
Get the receive timestamp from the receive packet buffer |
mhpe1588GetRxTimestamp |
Retrieve the size of the timestamp header |
mhpe1588GetRxTimestampHeaderSize |
Get the current a588 system time adjustment |
mhpe1588GetSystemTimeAdjustment |
Get the current 1588 system time increment |
mhpe1588GetSystemTimeIncrement |
Get the 1588 system time increment |
mhpe1588SetSystemTimeIncrement |
Signal a semaphore when a target time is reached |
mhpeSetTargetTimer |
Set the parameters to driver a GPIO ping from the 1588 system timer |
mhpeSetClockGeneratorPin |
1588 timer arithmetic helper calls |
Add two 1588 time values |
mhpe1588TimeAdd |
Subtract a 1588 time value from another |
mhpe1588TimeSubtract |
Compare two 1588 time values |
mhpe1588TimeCompare |
Return the difference between two 1588 time values |
mhpe1588TimeDifference |