INtime SDK Help
g (SDM)

Executes your application program.

g [start-address][, break-address][,break-address] [,break-address]


The address at which you want the application to begin executing. If you omit this parameter, the application begins executing at the address specified by the code segment (CS) and instruction pointer (EIP) registers.
An address at which a breakpoint is set. Specify up to three break addresses within an application.


The g (go) command single-steps the first instruction and then executes all succeeding instructions at normal speed.

Breakpoints set with the g command are hardware execution breakpoints. This allows you to set breakpoints in ROM code.

When SDM hits a breakpoint, it displays the breakpoint information in this format:

break at xxxx:yyyyyyyy

This indicates the application stopped at the address xxxx:yyyyyyyy. After SDM displays this information, it issues a prompt.

Once a breakpoint is hit, it and any other breakpoints set in that g command are cleared.

A special situation arises when you specify a breakpoint address but not a starting address. If the breakpoint is in an interrupt handler and the current CS:EIP points to a software interrupt instruction (INT x, INTO, BOUND), SDM single-steps the interrupt instruction and executes the interrupt handler code at full speed. This bypasses the breakpoint. A workaround is to make sure the CS:EIP is pointing to an instruction preceding the software interrupt instruction before executing the g command.


This example tells SDM to go from the current CS:EIP and stop executing at CS:000007FA or 1F0:00000E20, whichever comes first.

..g, 7FA, 1F0:E20

See Also

Debugging tools, System Debug Monitor (SDM), bc, bs