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typedef struct tagThreadState {
    RTHANDLE    OwnerProcess;
    RTHANDLE    NextThread;
    BYTE        ThreadState;
    BYTE        SuspendDepth;
    WORD        DelayRequest;
    RTHANDLE    LastExchange;
    DWORD       KnDelayRequest;
    KNHANDLE    LastKnExchange;
    CPUFRAME    CpuFrame;


The handle for the process that contains the target thread.
The handle for the next thread on the system thread list, which allows easy scanning of all the threads in the system.
One of the following indicates the thread's current state:
Value Meaning
0x00 Ready and running
0x01 Ready and not running
0x02 Asleep
0x03 Waiting at an exchange object
0x04 Waiting at a region
0x05 Waiting at an object directory
0x06 Waiting at a port (deprecated)
0x07 Being deleted
0x08 Waiting at a kernel (low-level) object
0x10 Suspended
0x11 Self-suspended
0x12 Asleep/Suspended
0x13 Waiting at an exchange and Suspended
0x14 Waiting at a region and Suspended
0x15 Waiting at an object directory and Suspended
0x16 Waiting at a port and suspended (deprecated)
0x17 Being deleted and Suspended
0x18 Waiting at a low-level object
0x20 Suspended after a fault occurred
0xff Thread state unknown
Suspension depth of this thread, which is non-zero only if the thread has been overtly suspended (as opposed to being suspended by the OS).
Amount of time the thread has waited at an exchange. This field is zero if the thread has waited at any other type of object.
The handle for an exchange object (for example, mailbox or semaphore) at which the thread is waiting. This field is zero if the thread is not waiting at an exchange.
Amount of time the thread has waited at a kernel exchange. This field is 0 (zero) if the thread has waited at any other type of object.
The handle for a kernel exchange object (for example, mailbox or semaphore) at which the thread is waiting. This field is zero if the thread is not waiting at a kernel exchange.
If the thread is suspended and the suspension depth is greater than 1, then the CpuFrame structure contains the CPU state when the suspension occurred.

See Also

GetRtThreadState, CpuFrame structure