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WaitForRtProcess, WaitForRtProcessEx
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INtime SDK v7 > About INtime > INtime Kernel > Processes > WaitForRtProcess, WaitForRtProcessEx

Waits for a previously-loaded process to exit and returns the exit code to the caller.

BOOLEAN WaitForRtProcess(
    RTHANDLE hProcess, 
    DWORD msWait,
    LPDWORD pdwExitCode

RTHANDLE WaitForRtProcessEx( RTHANDLE hWaitOrProcess, DWORD msWait, LPDWORD pdwExitCode );


Handle for the process to be waited for.
Wait handle returned from a previous call to StartRtProcess, or a handle for the process to be waited for.
The number of milliseconds the caller waits for the process to exit.
A pointer to a DWORD variable where the exit value of the process is returned on successful completion of the call.


These calls wait for msWait milliseconds for the process to exit and returns the exit code from the process.

The WaitForRtProcessEx call, if passed a wait handle returned from a previous call to StartRtProcess(), also waits for the process to complete and returns the exit code, and also returns the handle of the process which just completed.

WaitForRtProcessEx waits for msWait milliseconds for the process to exit.

If the process exits before the call times out, then the process exit code is returned via pdwExitCode. The exit code is the value of the parameter passed to exit(). If the process exited using ExitRtProcess instead of using exit() then the exit code returned is 0 (zero).

If the process was not loaded but was built in to the kernel, the call fails with status E_CONTEXT.

If the call times out before the process exist the call fails with status E_TIME.

Return Values

To determine the status, call GetLastRtError


The hProcess parameter does not contain a valid handle value.
The hProcess parameter does not contain a handle for a process.
The target process did not exit within the time specified.


Versions Defined in Include Link to
INtime 4.1 intime/rt/include/rtbase.h rt.h rt.lib
See Also