INtime SDK Help
vq (SDM)

Displays information about kernel interrupt routing


IRQ subcommands:
vq - display this text
vqt - display IRQ table
vql - display Local APIC information
vqi - display I/O APIC information


Displays a list of all subcommands
Displays the internal interrupt table. Used for internal debug of interrupt configuration issues.
[0].. vqt
Vector base = 224
   level pri vect flags
 0: 0008  18  ff  18 (installed, ISA)
 1: 0018  34  fe  11f (assigned, ISA)
 2: 0028  51  f5  11f (assigned, ISA)
 3: 0038  67  ec  11f (assigned, ISA)
 4: 0048  83  e3  11f (assigned, ISA)
 5: 0058  98  e2  11f (assigned, ISA)
 6: 0068 114  e1  11f (assigned, ISA)
 7: 0078 130  e0  11f (assigned, ISA)
 8: 0020  36  fd  11f (assigned, ISA)
 9: 0021  38  fc  11f (assigned, ISA)
10: 0022  40  fb  11f (assigned, ISA)
11: 0023  42  fa  11f (assigned, ISA)
12: 0024  44  f9  11f (assigned, ISA)
13: 0025  46  f8  11f (assigned, ISA)
14: 0026  48  f7  11f (assigned, ISA)
15: 0027  50  f6  11f (assigned, ISA)
16: 0030  52  f4  10f (assigned, PCI)
17: 5031  54  13  48 (installed, IPI)
18: 0032  56  f2  10f (assigned, PCI)
19: 0033  58  f1  10f (assigned, PCI)      Press SPACE to continue  OR  [Q]uit:
20: 0034  60  f0  10f (assigned, PCI)
21: 60ef  62  0f  48 (installed, MSI)
22: 0036  64  ee  10f (assigned, PCI)
23: 0037  66  ed  10f (assigned, PCI)
24: 0040  68  eb  00
25: 0041  70  ea  00
26: 0042  72  e9  00
27: 0043  74  e8  00
28: 0044  76  e7  00
29: 0045  78  e6  00
30: 0046  80  e5  00
31: 0047  82  e4  00
MSI interrupt information (v6) at 01e0:00010cb8
    PciD Levl idx cap type   handler       parameter     CR3
 0: 00fa 60ef  21 80 msi-32 2e58:001db430 29fb:00115b48 0083d000
Dumps the Local APIC register contents.
[0].. vql
Local APIC:
Local APIC ID=00000000, Version=01060015
Timer: vect=000200ff (enabled, periodic), div=1, init=0000c350, count=00002d9f
  1: 00010000 (Thermal Sensor)
  2: 00010020 (Perfmon)
  3: 0001001f (LINT0)
  4: 000184ff (LINT1)
  5: 00010020 (Error)
IRR:  80000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ISR:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
TMR:  00008000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ESR:      00000000

Task PR:  000000ff
Arbn PR:  00000000
Proc PR:  000000ff
Dumps the contents of the I/O APIC registers.
See Also