INtime SDK Help
PipeRTA (piperta.exe)
INtime SDK v7 > INtime Utilities > PipeRTA (piperta.exe)

Piperta.exe is a Windows utility which does the following:

The complete options for this utility are as follows:

piperta.exe [process_options] myapp[.rta] [program_arguments]
  process_options may include the following:
   -pmin SIZE     set the process pool_max value
   -pmax SIZE     set the process pool_max value
   -vseg SIZE     set the VSEG size
   -odir SIZE     set the object directory size
       SIZE is of the form NUMBER[KM]
       e.g. 1024 is 1024 bytes, 8K is 8192 bytes and 16M is 16777216 bytes
   -node NODENAME sets the target node
   -xm            forces application to be loaded in XM mode
   -noxm          forces application to be loaded in normal mode
   -wait SECONDS  waits SECONDS for the application to terminate or else exits
   -kill          only with -wait: on timeout terminate the process
                  (with same timeout)
   -log LOGFILE   appends all stdout output to a log file
   -debug         forces a breakpoint on entry
   -stderr        also redirect stderr
   -help          prints this message and exits
  myapp is the program to load (with or without the .RTA extension)
  program_arguments are command line argument for the loaded process


Note that if an existing log file is specified then output will be appended to it.