INtime SDK Help
Node Manager (nodemgr.exe)
INtime SDK v7 > INtime Utilities > Node Manager (nodemgr.exe)

nodemgr.exe is a Windows command-line utility for starting and stopping local INtime for Windows nodes.


nodemgr start nodename | -all [-v] [-i | -initinfo] [-r] [-silent] [-nostart]
nodemgr stop nodename | -all [-v] [-silent]
nodemgr list [nodename | -all] [-v] [-silent]
nodemgr licinfo
nodemgr help

Commands and Options

Load and start the INtime kernel on the specified node or all configured nodes.
Stop the INtime kernel running on the specified node or all running nodes.
List the status of the INtime kernel on the specified node or all configured nodes.
Display license information.
Display help text for the nodemgr command.
Display verbose output.
-i | -initinfo
Display initialization text output.
Display debug output.
Suppress output.
Load the INtime kernel on the specified node or all configured nodes but do not start the kernel.