INtime SDK Help
INshell command line (inshell.rta)
INtime SDK v7 > INtime Utilities > DRTOS Utilities > INshell command line (inshell.rta)

INshell is a command line interpreter for INtime, especially used with INtime Distributed RTOS. It has a basic command line interface and also the ability to execute scripts of commands. (INtime Distributed RTOS only)

INshell should be started on NodeA, then use the -node option to execute commands on other nodes.

Command line

inshell.rta [options] [filename]

Available options

-addon "rsl[;rsl_list]"
Takes a string argument which is a list of rsls with additional commands.
-c scriptfile/command
Load and execute a scriptfile or a command and exit the INshell application.
-d or -debug
enable debug messages (internal).
-h or -help
Gives a short help screen on the command line arguments.
Start interactive session (default).
Skip user name and password check at startup of INshell.
-p or -priority numeric-value
Set Priority of this application (default is 250), valid range 3 - 253


The utility is started without arguments. A short version info is displayed and interactive command line interface is provided. The interface has some built in commands and can execute external rta or script files.

The utility can also be used to start script files as a kind of batch file processor. There is support for string variables, conditions and environment variables.


To get a list of supported commands, use the help command. To get details on specific command, use help and the command in interest, e.g. help accounting

To target a node other than NodeA (where inshell.exe is running) use the -node option:

process -node NodeB list
Executes the process list command on NodeB and returns the output to the console.
launch -node NodeC -wait myapp.rta
Executes myapp.rta on NodeC and waits for its completion, showing any output on the local console.
Command Description
accounting set/examine thread accounting
alias manage aliases
attrib display, set, or remove attributes assigned to files
cd change directory
chdir change directory
cls clear display
copy copy source to destination file or directory
del delete a file or files
delete delete a file or files
device list or set PCI device node
dir list files and subdirectories in a directory
echo echo to screen
exit quit the shell
help display list of commands, or help for each command
history display console history buffer
info read resource info from rta/rsl
keyb keyboard information and control
last_error get result of last rt command executed
launch launch a command with system parameters
license list system license
md create a new directory
mkdir create a new directory
net list or set network parameters
node node information and control
pause wait for any key to be pressed
process process information and control
pwd print program working directory
rd remove an existing directory
reboot reboot system
ren renames a file or a directory
remdir remove an existing directory
set display list of environment variables, or examine or set an environment variable
setreboot set/examine reboot pending flag
shutdown shutdown system
sleep sleep for <delay> seconds
syslog display/clear system log on screen
system list or set system parameters
systeminfo display system information about RTOS
time get or set system time and date
type print a text file to screen
uptime display time since boot
ver show version
which display full path name for command

Script files

Scriptfiles support all internal commands, can launch programs and have same basic flow control. Every line is parsed separately, so a command cannot spawn more lines.

A special script file for each node named startup.rsc is in the directory: /config/<node name>. This script file supports a subset

Script file utilities

These utilities can be useful within a script file:

waitfor.rta - Wait for a handle to be cataloged in a process' object directory.

waitnode.rta - Wait for a node to be ready to load new applications.

waitproc.rta - Wait for a process to be loaded on the local node.

Sample script

var s
# comment
' comment
s = test
if s == h then goto label1
if s == test then goto label4 else goto label2
# never executed
if %?% != 0 then goto error
goto label2
s = %TEMP%
echo s
cd s
if %TEMP% != s then goto label2 else exit
echo s
goto label3
echo an error occurred on external command