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PCISPACE structure
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Describes an extended (64-bit) address space from a pair of BARs. Used by the call PciGetExtendedAddressSpace.


typedef struct {
        QWORD start;
        QWORD size;
        DWORD flags;

The fields are defined as follows:

start The base physical address of the space described by the BAR pair. The type of space (memory or I/O) is indicated in the flags field.
size The size of the address space indicated by the BAR pair.
flags A mask which indicates the type and capabilities of the corresponding BAR. This may contain one or more of the following flags:
IOSPACE_IO The space described resides in I/O space.
IOSPACE_MEM The space described resides in memory space.
IOSPACE_PREFETCH The memory space described is pre-fetchable (see the PCI specification for details).
IOSPACE_READONLY The memory space described is not writable.
IOSPACE_CACHEABLE The memory space described is cacheable.
IOSPACE_64BIT The memory space described is a 64-bit space.
IOSPACE_BAR_INDEX_MASK A subfield containing the index of the original BAR for this space.
See Also