INtime SDK Help
NODE_INFO structure
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Contains information about a node as returned from GetRtNodeInfo.

typedef struct {
    DWORD Location; // location of this node
    char szNodeName[64]; // node name
    BYTE NodeId; // node ID (hardware node identifier)
    BYTE NodeClass; // node class
    BYTE NodeSubclass; // node subclass
    BYTE NetIdType; // network address type
    BYTE NetId[16]; // network ID (address) 


Location of this node; returns the real location value for the indicated node. For example, If a value of THIS_LOCATION is passed as the hLoc parameter, this field returns the real value.
Node name.
Node ID (hardware node identifier).
Node class. Indicates whether the node is located on a Windows host, or a standalone-host, and the configuration of the node. Possible values include:
NODE_CLASS_WINDOWS_HOST The node is located on a Windows host.
NODE_CLASS_INTIME_HOST The node is located on a stand-alone host.
Node subclass. Indicates whether the node is located on a Windows host, or a standalone-host, and the configuration of the node. Possible values include:
NODE_SUBCLASS_SHARED The node core is shared with Windows.
NODE_SUBCLASS_DEDICATED The node is a dedicate INtime for Windows node.
NODE_SUBCLASS_PRIMARY The node is primary or boot node on INtime host (INtime Distributed RTOS).
NODE_SUBCLASS_SECONDARY The node is a secondary or application node on INtime host (INtime Distributed RTOS).
Network address type.
NETID_TYPE_NONE 0 NetId is not valid.
NETID_TYPE_MAC 1 NetId contains a 6-byte Ethernet address.
NETID_TYPE_IP4 4 NetId contains a IPv4 address.
NETID_TYPE_IP6 6 NetId contains a IPv6 address.
Network ID (address).


The NetIdType field will always be NETID_TYPE_NONE and the NetId field unused for nodes on the same host as the caller.


Versions Defined in Include Link to
INtime 4.0 intime/rt/include/rt.h rt.h clib.lib
See Also