INtime SDK Help
Sample Applications
INtime SDK v7 > References > Sample Applications

INtime software includes a number of sample applications that you can use as samples for your own INtime applications. The source code for these applications are provided in the following Visual Studio project formats:

Older samples from previous INtime SDK versions may be available in other formats of Visual Studio also.

The files reside in separate directories per sample. For instance, the INtime API test program source files reside in the following directory:

My Documents\INtime\Projects\rttest

You can open the projects for these applications from the Start->INtime->Sample Projects and open the folder Sample Projects for Visual Studio XXXX (the title depends on which version of Visual Studio you currently have installed).


Samples from the Quick Start Guide include:

Sample applications include:

Hello World Sample

This is a simple RTOS sample from the Quick Start Guide.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\helloworld

MultiThread Sample

This is a multithread sample project from the Quick Start Guide.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\multithread

NTX Data Project

This is an NTX data sample project from the Quick Start Guide.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\ntxdata

RT Client Data Project

This is an RT client sample project from the Quick Start Guide.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\rtsend

RT Data Project

This is an RT Data sample project from the Quick Start Guide.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\rtdata

EventMsg DLL Project

This DLL allows you to customize event messages.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\eventmsg
Runtime Requirements The EventMsg Project builds the EventMsg.DLL file properly only if you first build the project under release mode from within Microsoft Visual Studio. After building the project under release mode, you may then build the project under debug mode.

INtime API Sample

This test application exercises many INtime software system calls.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\rttest

Serial Communications Sample

This project demonstrates how to use the INtime Serial Communications library. The library and accompanying drivers allows the user to access serial devices such as the COM PC ports, RocketPort multi-channel PCI devices, and Edgeport multi-channel USB devices.

The serial port settings assumed by this project are:

9600,8,1,N NO_FLOW

The serial drivers are:

compc.rta (PC COM ports COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4)

comrocket.rta (RocketPort PCI COM5 ...)

comedge3.rta (Edgeport USB COM20 ...)

See the help file for device names and parameters.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\commsamp

Graphical Jitter Sample Project

This application measures the minimum, maximum, and average times between system timer ticks via an Alarm handler. Because this application is made from both an RT and Windows executables, it shows both INtime and INtimeDotNet API usage.

INtime Graphical Jitter includes these executables:

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\jittercs2
Invocation Invoke the Windows jitter.exe program.

C and C++ Samples for Debugger

These simple C and C++ programs are provided as a vehicle to demonstrate the Spider debugger's capabilities. The C++ program also demonstrates several components of the C++ language available to RT applications, as well as basic classes, dynamic instantiation, operator overloading, and so on. It also shows the libraries and startup modules needed.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\csamp (C program)
My Documents\INtime\Projects\cppsamp (C++ program)

TCP Samples

Sample project that demonstrate TCP communications between a client and server. Client and server code is provided for INtime, and server code for Windows.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\tcpsample
Invocation See the ReadMe.txt file in the source code directory.

UDP Samples

Sample project that demonstrates a UDP ping-pong type application. Datagram packets are exchanged between INtime and Windows with an incrementing identifier in the payload.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\udpsample
Invocation See the ReadMe.txt file in the source code directory.

Network Datagrams Sample

Sample project that demonstrates the various features of UDP datagram processing, including multicast and poll options.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\datagrams

INtimeDotNet Sample Application

Illustrates the use of the INtimeDotNet assembly. This is a .net wrapper around the NTX interface for Windows applications.

Source Path

My Documents\INtime\Projects\intimedotnetsamplex

Invocation See the ReadMe.txt file in the source code directory for further details.

Floating Point Exception Handling

This simple program demonstrates floating point exception handling.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\fpexcep
Invocation See the ReadMe.txt file in the source code directory.

RSL Examples

These RT programs demonstrate the creation and use of RT Shared Libraries, the RT analog for Windows DLLs.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\rsltest
Invocation See the ReadMe.txt file in the source code directory.

NTX Sample Application (MsgBoxDemo)

This INtime application has both a Windows and an RT portion. The Windows portion looks up an RT mailbox created by the RT portion, and then waits at the mailbox. When an RT thread sends a message to the mailbox, the Windows portion displays the received data in a message box on the Windows side. RT semaphore and RT shared memory usage are also demonstrated.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\msgboxdemo
My Documents\INtime\Projects\msgboxdemo\rtmsgbox
Invocation See the ReadMe.txt file in the source code directory.

Windows STOP Detection Sample

This sample application shows how an INtime application can detect either a Windows Crash (blue screen) or Windows Shutdown event and prevent Windows from completing its normal actions until the RT application has had a chance to do a "graceful" shutdown.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\stopmgr

USB Keyboard Sample

This sample application demonstrates how to use the INtime USB subsystem. It monitors a USB keyboard and prints a dump of each keystroke as it occurs.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\usbkbd3

USB Device List Utility

This sample application demonstrates how to use the INtime USB subsystem to discover all attached devices and monitors all insert/detach events.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\usbls3

Global Objects Sample

This project illustrates some aspects of the Global Objects feature of INtime.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\globalobjects

Memory Heap Debug Sample

This project illustrates some debug features for the memory heap (C library heap).

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\heapsamp

High Performance Ethernet Sample

This project illustrates the use of the HPE drivers included with INtime.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\hpeif2

HPE3 Extra Features Sample

This project illustrates the additional features of the HPE3 interface with the Intel i210 Ethernet adapter.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\hpe3sample

XCNT-HPE Sample (Ethernet Connector)

This project illustrates the use of the XCNT network driver to forward packets from an HPE application to and from the network stack.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\xcnt_hpe

PCAP Sample Application

This project illustrates the use of the PCAP library to filter specific Ethernet packets from the network stack.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\nicio

Local Node Configuration Sample (LNCdemo)

This project illustrates the use of the LNC library to create configuration utilities for INtime for Windows.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\lncdemo

Message Queue Demo

This project illustrates the use of the Message Queue object in INtime and Windows (via NTX).

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\msgqdemo

Network Interface Information

IfInfo demonstrates how to iterate through all interfaces in the TCP/IP Stack, identify assigned addresses and attributes and format them for display.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\ifinfo

INtime Service Process Sample

Illustration of how to create a service process which handles requests on behalf of client processes.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\service

INtime Distributed RTOS configuration API sample

Illustration of how to use the config file API to configure Distributed RTOS system.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\configfiles

Intel MKL Example (Math Kernel Library)

Illustration of how to use the Intel Math Kernel Library with INtime RTOS.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\mklexample

INtime License Library Sample (INtime for Windows)

Illustration of how to use the INtime License Library for INtime for Windows.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\testifwlicensed

INtime License Library Sample (D-RTOS version)

Illustration of how to use the INtime License Library for INtime Distributed RTOS.

Source Path My Documents\INtime\Projects\licenselibtest