INtime SDK Help
RT Services and Device Drivers (deprecated)
INtime SDK v7 > About INtime > Other system libraries > RT Services and Device Drivers (deprecated)

From INtime 6.0 the INtime Service and Port objects have been deprecated.

New projects should not be started using these features, and existing projects will not work with XM mode


The calls in these subsections are intended to help develop INtime services which can perform hardware driver-like capabilities, or which can provide intermediate services between drivers and applications.

An INtime service is an INtime RTA (real-time application) which provides access to one or more interfaces. Each interface is associated with a service descriptor. The interface generates events which are handled by the service. A process which uses a service creates a port for access to that service. A service may support more than one port and more than one user process may use a given port. A user process communicates with the service by sending and receiving messages via the port:

System Calls

To . . . See . . .

List handlers to write when implementing a service.

Service handlers are subroutines invoked by the kernel to perform service-dependent functions of the system calls.

RT service handlers
List calls used by service handlers to develop drivers and intermediate services using a service model. RT service calls
See Also