INtime SDK Help
LNC Function Calls
INtime SDK v7 > About INtime > Other system libraries > Local Node Configuration library > LNC Function Calls


LNC Function Calls

The following table lists all of the library calls in the LNC.

General functions

To . . . Use this library call . . .
Assign a start address to all local nodes (if using excluded memory). lncAssignMemory
Check if core assignments are correct for the current boot mode. lncCheckCores
Clear the memory and processor restriction in the boot options. lncClearBootOptions
Create a new local node. lncCreateNode
Delete an existing local node. lncDeleteNode
Act upon the current restart value. lncDoRestart
Enumerate local nodes. The order is not determined. lncEnumNodes
Free the space used for parameter names. lncFreeAllStrings
Get the size of a multi-string value. lncGetMultiStringLength
Get the current restart value. lncGetRestart
Miscellaneous parameter settings. lncMiscSetPar
Redetect physical memory. lncRedetectMemory
Rename an existing node. lncRenameNode
Set the restart value. lncSetRestart

System functions

System parameters apply to the system, including all local nodes

To . . . Use this library call . . .
Enumerates parameters for a specific INtime node. IncSysCtlEnumPar
Get parameter for a specific INtime node. IncSysCtlGetPar
Edit parameter for a specific INtime node. IncSysCtlSetPar
Delete a parameter from the System section. lncSysDelPar
Enumerate parameters in the System section. lncSysEnumPars
Get the value of a parameter in the System section. lncSysGetPar
Get information about a parameter in the System section. lncSysGetParInfo
Set the value of a parameter in the System section. lncSysSetPar

Kernel functions

Kernel functions operate on the parameters for one local node. A node name is always required (except for the enumerate and get parameter information functions).

To . . . Use this library call . . .
Delete a kernel parameter. lncKerDelPar
Enumerate parameters in the Kernel section. lncKerEnumPars
Get the value of a parameter in the Kernel section. lncKerGetPar
Get information about a parameter in the Kernel section. lncKerGetParInfo
Set the value of a parameter in the Kernel section. lncKerSetPar

Memory area functions

Memory area functions operate on the memory areas for each node.

To . . . Use this library call . . .
Add a new memory area. lncKerAddArea
Delete a memory area. lncKerDelArea
Enumerate memory areas for node. lncKerEnumArea
Get a memory area parameter. lncKerGetAreaPar
Set a memory area parameter. lncKerSetAreaPar
Save changes to memory areas. lncKerSaveAreas
Discard changes to memory areas. lncKerResetAreas

Net functions

This section describes function for network configuration. Functions that contain ‘Net’ in the name operate on general network parameters and are specific for a node; functions with ‘Nic’ in the name are specific for a NIC on a node.

A node can be configured with one or more NICs; it can also have any number of IPv4 and/or IPv6 routes. A NIC can have any number of IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses.

Where an element is numbered (such as with routes), the index is zero based: the first element has index zero.

To . . . Use this library call . . .
Delete a general network parameter. lncNetDelPar
Enumerate parameters in the general Network section. lncNetEnumPars
Get the value of a parameter in the general Network section. lncNetGetPar
Get information about a parameter in the general Network section. lncNetGetParInfo
Remove a NIC from the node’s network. lncNicDel
Enumerate NIC specific parameters. lncNicEnumPars
Enumerate all supported NIC types. lncNicEnumTypes
Get the value of a parameter for a NIC on a node. lncNicGetPar
Get the details of a NIC specific parameter. lncNicGetParInfo
Move a NIC on a node to another place in the list of NICs on that node. lncNicMove
Set a NIC specific parameter on a node. lncNicSetPar
Add an IPv4 route to the node’s network. lncNetRoute4Add
Remove an IPv4 route from the node’s network. lncNetRoute4Del
Set the value of a parameter in the general Network section. lncNetSetPar
Add a NIC to the node’s network. lncNicAdd
Add an IPv4 address to the list of IPv4 addresses of a NIC on the node’s network. lncNicAddr4Add
Remove an IPv4 address from a NIC on the node’s network. lncNicAddr4Del
Get the value of a parameter of an IPv4 address of a NIC on a node. lncNicAddr4GetPar
Move an IPv4 address for a NIC on a node to another place in the list of IPv4 addresses for that NIC. lncNicAddr4Move
Set a parameter for an IPv4 address of a NIC on a node. lncNicAddr4SetPar
Add an IPv6 address to the list of IPv6 addresses of a NIC on the node’s network. lncNicAddr6Add
Remove an IPv6 address from the list of IPv6 addresses of a NIC on the node’s network. lncNicAddr6Del
Get the value of a parameter of an IPv6 address of a NIC on a node. lncNicAddr6GetPar
Move an IPv6 address for a NIC on a node to another place in the list of IPv6 addresses for that NIC. lncNicAddr6Move
Set a parameter for an IPv6 address of a NIC on a node. lncNicAddr6SetPar

Advanced section functions

Advanced sections contain node parameters that do not need to change very often. A number of advanced sections is created at installation time, but advanced sections and parameters in them can be added, modified and deleted at any time.

A section is identified by a name. It can contain zero or more parameters.

A parameter in a section is also identified by a name. It contains a number of properties; the LNCA_VALUE property is always present, the others are optional.

To . . . Use this library call . . .
Add a parameter to a section in the set of advanced sections. lncAdvAddPar
Add a section to the set of advanced sections. lncAdvAddSection
Delete a parameter from an advanced section. lncAdvDelPar
Delete a property of a parameter from an advanced section. lncAdvDelProp
Delete an advanced section with all its parameters. lncAdvDelSection
Enumerate parameters in an advanced section for a node. lncAdvEnumPars
Enumerate properties that advanced section parameters can have. lncAdvEnumProps
Enumerate advanced sections for a node. lncAdvEnumSections
Get a property of a parameter in an advanced section. lncAdvGetProp
Get the details of a parameter property in an advanced section. lncAdvGetPropInfo
Set a parameter property in an advanced section. lncAdvSetProp

Load functions

Load parameters describe INtime applications that are automatically loaded when the INtime kernel starts on a local node. The list consists of applications (similar to sections), each having a set of parameters. The order of applications in the list is not relevant; if any particular order of starting is required, it must be defined via the dependency parameters. An application is identified by its name.

System applications cannot be deleted; the only parameter that can be changed for a system application is LNCL_ENABLE.

To . . . Use this library call . . .
Add a new auto-load application. lncLoadAddApp
Delete an auto-load application with all its parameters. lncLoadDelApp
Delete an auto-load application parameter. lncLoadDelPar
Enumerate auto-load applications for a given node. lncLoadEnumApps
Enumerate parameters that an auto-load application can have. lncLoadEnumPars
Get the value of an auto-load application. lncLoadGetPar
Get the details of an auto-load application parameter. lncLoadGetParInfo
Set a parameter of an auto-load application. lncLoadSetPar

Deprecated functions

These functions are provided for backward compatibility, but should be avoided in new developments. They only cover system and kernel parameters.

Delete Parameter
Delete Section
Enumerate parameters
Enumerate sections
Get Parameter DWORD
Get Parameter Information
Get Parameter Multi String
Get Parameter String
Set Parameter DWORD
Set Parameter Multi String
Set Parameter String
See Also