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INtime SDK v7 > About INtime > Networking and I/O > High-Performance Ethernet > hpeFreeReceiveBufferSet

Frees the memory allocated by hpeAllocateReceiveBufferSet. This function should be called just before calling hpeClose.

HPESTATUS hpeFreeReceiveBufferSet(
    HPEHANDLE devhandle, 
    HPERXBUFFERSET ** rx_buffer_set


A handle value for the device.
A pointer to a pointer to a HPERXBUFFERSET structure allocated by hpeAllocateReceiveBufferSet. rx_buffer_set is cleared to NULL on return if the operation is successful. If rx_buffer_set is pointing to a NULL pointer, then the function does nothing and returns E_OK. Passing invalid rx_buffer_set will cause unpredictable results.

Return Values

A status value indicating the success or failure of the operation. This may be one of the following:

E_OK The operation completed successfully.
E_EXIST The handle given is not a handle for a HPE interface.
E_PARAM The rx_buffer_set is not valid.


Versions Defined in Include Link to
INtime 4.0 intime/rt/include/hpeif2.h hpeif2.h hpeif2.lib
See Also