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INtime SDK v7 > About INtime > INtime Kernel > Exception handling > GetRtExceptionHandlerInfo
Note: since Structured Exception Handling was generally enabled in INtime 4, and enabled for floating-point exceptions in INtime 6, it is no longer recommended that you use this system call.

Returns the address and exception-handling mode for any of the following:

The system-wide exception handler refers to the root process' exception handler. When you change the system-wide exception handler, it changes only the default exception handler that is inherited by first-level processes created by the RT application loader.

Returns both the address of the calling thread's exception handler and the current value of the thread's exception mode.

BOOLEAN GetRtExceptionHandlerInfo(
    BYTE bHandlerID,      // exception handler ID
    PEXCEPTION lpInfo    // pointer to an EXCEPTION structure


Specify the exception handler whose address and mode is to be returned, using one of the following values:
THREAD_HANDLER Thread's exception handler
PROCESS_HANDLER Process' default exception handler
SYSTEM_HANDLER System-wide exception handler
HARDWARE_HANDLER System-wide hardware exception handler
DELETE_PROCESS_HANDLER System process deletion exception handler
DELETE_THREAD_HANDLER System thread deletion exception handler
SUSPENSION_HANDLER System thread suspension exception handler
Pointer to the EXCEPTION structure where information about the required exception handler is stored by the function.

Return Values

To determine the status, call GetLastRtError


E_OK 0x0000
No exceptional conditions occurred.
lpInfo is invalid. One of these conditions exist:
  • All or part of lpInfo is outside the calling thread's virtual address space.
  • The virtual address space has no associated physical memory.
E_PARAM 0x8004
bHandlerID contains a value outside the allowable range.


Versions Defined in Include Link to
INtime 3.0 intime/rt/include/rtbase.h rt.h rt.lib

See Also

Exception handler system calls