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bge1g (Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet adapter driver)
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The bge1g driver provides support for various NICs based on the Broadcom BCM570x, 5714, 5721, 5722, 5750, 5751, 5752 and 5789 families of Gigabit Ethernet controller chips.

The BCM5700, BCM5701, BCM5702, BCM5703 and BCM5704 support jumbo frames. Support for Jumbo Frames is provided via the interface MTU setting. Selecting an MTU larger than 1500 bytes with the ifconfig utility configures the adapter to receive and transmit Jumbo Frames.

The bge1g driver supports the following media types:

The bge1g driver supports the following media options:

For more information on configuring this device, see Common Network Driver Options or ifconfig.


The bge1g driver provides support for various NICs based on the Broadcom BCM570x family of Gigabit Ethernet controller chips, including the fol- lowing:


Diagnostic messages will be logged to System Evenrt Log.


The driver was written by Bill Paul <>. INtime refers to this device as bge1g.


Versions Link to
INtime 4.0 netlib.lib
See Also