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INtime SDK v7 > Using INtime Software > Operation


This topic describes how to start and operate INtime software.

You can treat the RT kernel and associated INtime applications as Windows services and start them automatically when Windows initializes.

In the event of a Windows blue screen crash, INtime software keeps running until a graceful shutdown occurs. To start INtime software again, you must first restart Windows.

Starting INtime for Windows nodes and related services

  1. Open the Windows Service Manager (services.msc).

    The Windows Services table lists these INtime services:

    Service Default startup setting Description
    INtime Kernel Manager Automatic Loads the RT kernel binary image into memory and starts it. Uses loadrtk.exe.
    INtime Clock Synchronization service Automatic A Windows service that synchronizes RT client time-of-day clock with the Windows host's time-of-day clock.
    INtime Event Log service Automatic A Windows service that provides access to the Windows Event Log from real-time applications. The service also consumes syslog messages send from INtime Distributed RTOS hosts.
    INtime I/O service Automatic A Windows service that acts as a server to INtime for Windows nodes to provide a console window for real-time applications.

    This service also provides Windows file system support to the nodes.

    INtime Database service Automatic
    INtime Node Detection service Automatic A Windows service that detects RT clients, both local and remote. This program checks for and registers RT clients that exist in both of these locations:
    • Nodes configured locally in the INtime Configuration program (INconfCpl.cpl).
    • INtime Distributed RTOS clients.
    INtime Remote Connection manager Automatic A Windows service that detects and manages connections between the Windows host and other INtime hosts.

    The manager includes NtxRemote2.exe, which is required for a Windows host to communicate with other INtime hosts.

    INtime Registry service Automatic A Windows service that provides Windows registry access to RT processes via the RT application library.
    INtime mDNS service Manual A Windows service that uses the mDNS protocol to provide alternate name services (supported by INtime Distributed RTOS).

    Note: This service requires Bonjour for Windows from Apple Corp.

    INtime Debug service Manual Manages the console window on behalf of the INtime system Debug Monitor.
  2. Start each INtime software service as desired. By default all services except the INtime mDNS service and INtime Debug services start automatically. You can start an INtime Kernel using these methods:
    • Click the INtime icon in the system tray and selecting a kernel name from the menu that displays.
    • Open a command window and enter this command:
      nodemgr start NodeA
    • Call the ntxStartLocalRtNode API from a Windows application.

After you start an INtime node

Also available from the Start>All Programs>INtime software menu are these resources: