INtime SDK Help

Sets the default file-permission mask of the current process to the specified mode.

#include <io.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

mode_t umask (mode_t pmode);


Default permission mode.


The file-permission mask is applied to the permission mode specified in calls to creat or sopen. The permission mode determines the file's ownership and access rights; the file-permission mask affects only access rights. If a bit in the mask is 1, the corresponding bit in the file's requested permission mode value is set to 0 (disallowed). If a bit in the mask is 0, the corresponding bit is left unchanged. The permission mode for a new file is not set until the file is closed for the first time.

The argument pmode is a constant expression containing one or more of the manifest constants defined in SYS/STAT.H. Join more than one constant with the bitwise-OR operator (|).

Value Description
S_IRGRP Read permission bit for POSIX file group
S_IROTH Read permission bit for POSIX World (other) owner
S_IRUSR Read permission for POSIX file owner
S_IWGRP Write permission bit for POSIX file group
S_IWOTH Write permission bit for POSIX World owner
S_IWUSR Write permission for POSIX file owner
S_IXGRP Execute or search permission bit for POSIX file group
S_IXOTH Execute or search permission bit for POSIX World owner
S_IXUSR Execute or search permission for POSIX file owner

Return Values

The previous value of pmode.
No error return.


Versions Defined in Include Link to
INtime 3.0 intime/rt/include/io.h io.h

See Also

chmod, creat, mkdir, sopen,