INtime SDK Help
TCPIP Configurable Parameters (Legacy Networking)
INtime SDK v6 > Legacy components > Legacy TCP/IP stack > TCPIP Configurable Parameters (Legacy Networking)
Overview TCP UDP Raw IP IP Network Alias table DNS Loopback Route table


The TCP/IP software is installed with default parameters that are adequate for a simple host configuration, with one network interface and a moderate amount of network traffic. After you determine your host and network configuration, you should review the TCP/IP parameters listed in this chapter and reset them as needed.

The parameters are accessed via the INtime Configuration utility.

Start > Programs > INtime > INtime Configuration

  1. Select "Real-time Network"
  2. Select "NIC Configuration"
  3. Select "Advanced"

Some values are not present in the default configuration, and may be added. The default value for each parameter is taken when the parameter is absent.

Note:   All numeric values in the following tables are hexadecimal. String values are enclosed in single quotes.



Key Default Value Description
DEFMSS 200 Default maximum segment size
DEFRTT 3 Default round trip time; not currently used
RCVSPACE 4000 Maximum receive space per socket
SNDSPACE 4000 Maximum send space per socket
SBEFFICIENCY 8 Socket buffer efficiency factor; not currently used
KEEPINIT 4B Connection establishment time out
KEEPIDLE 1C20 Maximum connection idle time before probing
KEEPINTVL 4B Connection probe interval
ALWAYSKEEPALIVE 0 Probe all idle connections
CTLBUFS 40 Maximum total control buffers
TRANSBUFS 40 Maximum total transaction buffers
MAXTRANS 10 Maximum simultaneous IP transactions
MAXPORTS 0 Maximum port ids
LOWFIXPID 1 Well-known port id range
LOWAUTOPID 400 Ephemeral port id range
RCVPRI 80 Receive thread priority
LSTNPRI 80 Listen thread priority
TIMPRI 80 Timer thread priority
RCVSTK 2000 Receive thread stack size
LSTNSTK 2000 Listen thread stack size
TIMSTK 2000 Timer thread stack size
ACKDELAY 14 ACK delay timeout (x 10ms)
MINREXMIT 100 min 2, max 100 in 10ms units. Adjust the retransmit timer calculation for TCP.
DEBUGLEVEL 0 Debug level (set to non-zero for debug output)


DEFMSS Default maximum size of segments sent by the TCP job. To avoid fragmentation at the IP level, set this parameter to the smallest maximum packet size that a sent packet is likely to encounter in its route to the destination. Once a connection is established, the source and destination TCPs negotiate an optimum maximum packet size.
RCVSPACE Size, in bytes, of the receive buffer area per TCP socket. The receive buffer holds incoming data until it is received at the socket by the application.
SNDSPACE Size, in bytes, of the send buffer area per TCP socket. The send buffer holds outgoing data until it is successfully sent to the destination.
KEEPINIT Connection establishment timeout, in seconds.
KEEPIDLE Maximum connection idle time, in seconds. After this time, TCP begins sending keepalive probes to the remote host.
KEEPINTVL The time interval between probes to an idle remote host. Up to 9 probes are sent before dropping the connection.
ALWAYSKEEPALIVE Zero indicates that only sockets that have the SO_KEEPALIVE option set should send keepalive probes to idle remote hosts. Non-zero indicates that all sockets should send probes on idle connections.
ACKDELAY Time to delay before sending an ACK for data received, in 10 millisecond units. Delaying the ACK can allow subsequent data sent to be combined with the ACK packet, for efficiency.
CTLBUFS Maximum number of control buffers allocated for the TCP job. Control buffers are used by the TCP job whenever data is sent or received through a TCP socket. If insufficient control buffers are available, an ENOBUFS error is returned to the application. This indicates that the number of configured control buffers for the TCP job should be increased. The default value should be used for most applications.
TRANSBUFS Maximum number of transaction buffers allocated for the TCP job. Transaction buffers are used by the TCP job whenever data is sent or received through a TCP socket. If insufficient transaction buffers are available, an ENOBUFS error is returned to the application. This indicates that the number of transaction buffers for the TCP job should be increased. The default value should be used for most applications.
MAXTRANS Maximum number of simultaneous transactions allowed between the TCP job and the IP job. Transactions are used by the TCP job whenever data is sent or received through a TCP socket. If insufficient transactions are available, an ENOBUFS error is returned to the application. This indicates that the number of transactions for communication between the TCP job and the IP job should be increased. The default value should be used for most applications.
MAXPORTS Maximum number of port ids available to the TCP job. Whenever a TCP socket is bound (see the bind() system call), a local port id is assigned to the socket. This parameter specifies the maximum number of unique port ids available.
LOWFIXPID, HIFIXPID When a TCP socket is bound (see the bind() system call), the user may specify the local port id that is to be associated with the socket.
  • Define the range of port id values that may be specified.
  • Must be within the range of 0 to MAXPORTS, exclusive, and must not overlap the port id range defined by LOWAUTOPID and HIAUTOPID.
LOWAUTOPID, HIAUTOPID When a TCP socket is bound (see the bind() system call), the user may request that the TCP job select the local port id that is to be associated with the socket (known as an ephemeral port id).
  • Define the range of port id values that the TCP job may choose from.
  • Must be within the range of 0 to MAXPORTS, exclusive, and must not overlap the port id range defined by LOWFIXPID and HIFIXPID.



Key Default Value Description
CHECKSUM 1 Enable checksum
RCVSPACE 0A000 Maximum receive space per socket
CTLBUFS 40 Maximum total control buffers
TRANSBUFS 40 Maximum total transaction buffers
MAXTRANS 10 Maximum simultaneous IP transactions
MAXPORTS 0 Maximum port ids
LOWFIXPID 1 Well-known port id range
LOWAUTOPID 400 Ephemeral port id range
RCVPRI 80 Receive thread priority
RCVSTK 2000 Receive thread stack size
DEBUGLEVEL 0 Debug level


CHECKSUM A value of 0 disables checksum calculation on all segments sent or received by the UDP job. A value of 1 enables checksum calculation. This parameter should normally be set to 1.
RCVSPACE Size of the receive buffer area per UDP socket, in bytes. The receive buffer holds incoming data until it is received at the socket by the application.
CTLBUFS Maximum number of control buffers allocated for the UDP job. Control buffers are used by the UDP job whenever data is sent or received through a UDP socket. If insufficient control buffers are available, an ENOBUFS error is returned to the application. This indicates that the number of configured control buffers for the UDP job should be increased. The default value should be used for most applications.
TRANSBUFS Maximum number of transaction buffers allocated for the UDP job. Transaction buffers are used by the UDP job whenever data is sent or received through a UDP socket. If insufficient transaction buffers are available, an EBOBUFS error is returned to the application. This indicates that the number of transaction buffers for the UDP job should be increased. The default value should be used for most applications.
MAXTRANS Maximum number of simultaneous transactions allowed between the UDP job and the IP job. Transactions are used by the UDP job whenever data is sent or received through a UDP socket. If insufficient transactions are available, an ENOBUFS error is returned to the application. This indicates that the number of transactions for communication between the UDP job and the IP job should be increased. The default value should be used for most applications.
MAXPORTS Maximum number of port ids available to the UDP job. Whenever a UDP socket is bound (see the bind() system call), a local port id is assigned to the socket. This parameter specifies the maximum number of unique port ids available.
LOWFIXPID, HIFIXPID When a UDP socket is bound (see the bind() system call), the user may specify the local port id that is to be associated with the socket.
  • Define the range of port id values that may be specified
  • Must be within the range of 0 to MAXPORTS, exclusive, and must not overlap the port id range defined by LOWAUTOPID and HIAUTOPID.
LOWAUTOPID, HIAUTOPID When a UDP socket is bound (see the bind() system call), the user may request that the UDP job select the local port id that is to be associated with the socket (known as an ephemeral port id).
  • Define the range of port id values that the UDP job may choose from.
  • Must be within the range of 0 to MAXPORTS, exclusive, and must not overlap the port id range defined by LOWFIXPID and HIFIXPID.

Raw IP [RIP]


Key Default Value Description
CTLBUFS 20 Maximum total control buffers
TRANSBUFS 20 Maximum total transaction buffers
MAXTRANS 8 Maximum simultaneous IP transactions
MAXPORTS 80 Maximum port ids
RCVPRI 80 Receive thread priority
RCVSTK 2000 Receive thread stack size
DEBUGLEVEL 0 Debug level


CTLBUFS Maximum number of control buffers allocated for the Raw IP job. Control buffers are used by the Raw IP job whenever data is sent or received through a Raw IP socket. If insufficient control buffers are available, an ENOBUFS error is returned to the application. This indicates that the number of configured control buffers for the Raw IP job should be increased. The default value should be used for most applications.
TRANSBUFS Maximum number of transaction buffers allocated for the Raw IP job. Transaction buffers are used by the Raw IP job whenever data is sent or received through a RAW IP socket. If insufficient transaction buffers are available, an ENOBUFS error is returned to the application. This indicates that the number of transaction buffers for the Raw IP job should be increased. The default value should be used for most applications.
MAXTRANS Maximum number of simultaneous transactions allowed between the Raw IP job and the IP job. Transactions are used by the Raw IP job whenever data is sent or received through a Raw IP socket. If insufficient transactions are available, an ENOBUFS error is returned to the application. This indicates that the number of transactions for communication between the Raw IP job and the IP job should be increased. The default value should be used for most applications.
MAXPORTS Maximum total number of Raw IP sockets that may be created.



Key Default Value Description
IFNAMES "ETH0, LO0, SL0" Interface names
BUFHEAPSIZE 200 Total receive buffer size in Kbytes
FORWARDING 0 Enable IP forwarding
LOCALSUBNETS 1 Enable local subnets
TTL 8 Default segment time to live
TOS 0 Default type of service
ARPTIMEOUT 20 ARP cache flush timeout in minutes
ARPTOEXTEND 0 (FALSE) Extend timeout period if packet received from host
ARPRCVGRTS 0 (FALSE) Process received gratuitous packets
ARPSNDGRTS 0 (FALSE) Send gratuitous packet on start
CTLBUFS 80 Maximum total control buffers
TRANSBUFS 80 Maximum total transaction buffers
RCVPRI 80 Receive thread priority
RCVSTK 2000 Receive thread stack size
DEBUGLEVEL 0 Debug level


FNAMES A list of interfaces that the IP job may communicate with to send and receive datagrams. Each interface name in the list must match an interface description included in the :config:tcp.ini file (e.g., [ETH0] ), and also must match the name associated with a NIC driver loaded in the :config:tcpstart submit file.
BUFHEAPSIZE Total buffer space, in Kbytes, available to the IP job for sending and receiving datagrams. The buffers specified in the interface descriptions (e.g., the RCVBUFS parameter of the [ETH0] interface description) are allocated from the buffer space defined here.
FORWARDING If this host is to forward packets from one network segment to another, set this parameter to 1. If not, set it to 0.
LOCALSUBNETS If this host is directly connected to a network that is divided into subnets, set this parameter to 1. If not, set it to 0.
TTL Default time to live for outgoing datagrams. The TTL is used to limit the life of TCP segments and prevent packets from endlessly circling the Internet on the way to some unreachable destination.
TOS Default type of service for outgoing datagrams. This parameter encodes both precedence and the type of service as defined by the MIL-STD 1777. The upper three bits of the byte encode the precedence; the lower five bits encode the type of service.
ARPTIMEOUT The number of minutes after which a complete ARP table entry will be deleted from the ARP cache if no ARP packets from the associated host are observed on the network.
CTLBUFS Maximum number of control buffers allocated for the IP job. Control buffers are used by the IP job whenever data is sent or received. If insufficient control buffers are available, an ENOBUFS error is returned to the application. This indicates that the number of configured control buffers for the IP job should be increased. The default value should be used for most applications.
TRANSBUFS Maximum number of transaction buffers allocated for the IP job. Transaction buffers are used by the IP job whenever data is sent or received. If insufficient transaction buffers are available, an ENOBUFS error is returned to the application. This indicates that the number of transaction buffers for the IP job should be increased. The default value should be used for most applications.

Network [ETH0]

Ethernet parameters

Key Default Value Description
HOST '' Interface IP address
NETMASK '' Net mask
DEFROUTE '' Default route
RCVBUFS 3F Maximum receive buffers
MAXTRANS 6F Maximum simultaneous transactions
ALIASNAMES 'ALIAS0' List of alias entries

Network interface parameters description

HOST The IP address associated with this interface.
NETMASK The net mask for the IP address associated with this interface.
DEFROUTE The default route. If the destination of a datagram is not on the network attached to this interface, the default route is used as a destination. The host at the default route address will then forward the datagram to the desired destination. Only one interface should configure a default route.
RCVBUFS The number of buffers allocated to receive datagrams from this interface. These buffers are allocated from the memory pool defined by the IP job's BUFHEAPSIZE configuration parameter. Set this parameter to the maximum number of datagrams expected to be received at one time on this interface.
MAXTRANS The maximum number of simultaneous transactions between the IP job and this interface. Each datagram sent or received consumes one transaction. The transaction is recycled when the send or receive is processed. Set this parameter to the sum of the maximum number of incoming datagrams expected at one time (i.e., the value of the RCVBUFS parameter, above) plus the maximum expected number of simultaneous sends to this interface.
ALIASNAMES A list of aliases for the interface. Alias names allow alternate IP addresses, netmasks and broadcast addresses to be associated with an interface. Each alias name in the list must match an AliasName included in the :config:tcp.ini file (e.g., [ALIAS0] ). For details about AliasName, continue to Alias table in the next section.

Alias table [AliasName]

Table entry

Key Default Value Description
HOST '' Alias IP address
MASK '' Net/subnet mask
BCAST '' Alias broadcast address

Name parameter description

HOST The alias IP address associated with this interface.
NETMASK The net mask for the alias IP address associated with this interface.
BCAST The alias broadcast address associated with this interface. This parameter is optional. If it is omitted, a default broadcast address will be formed from the alias IP address and netmask.


DOMAIN A string containing the name of the local domain.
SERVER1 A string that contains the IP address of the primary DNS server used by the client
SERVER2, SERVER3 Each of these parameters takes a string containing the IP addresses of secondary DNS servers. A total of three servers may be configured. If this section is not defined, or no servers are defined, then DNS name resolution does not occur.

Loopback [LO0]


Key Default Value Description
HOST '' Interface IP address
NETMASK '' Net mask
RCVBUFS 3F Maximum receive buffers
MAXTRANS 6F Maximum simultaneous transactions

Pseudo-driver interface parameters description

HOST The IP address associated with the loopback interface.
NETMASK The net mask for the IP address associated with the loopback interface.
RCVBUFS The number of buffers allocated to receive datagrams from this interface. These buffers are allocated from the memory pool defined by the IP job's BUFHEAPSIZE configuration parameter. Set this parameter to the maximum number of datagrams expected to be received at one time on this interface.
MAXTRANS The maximum number of simultaneous transactions between the IP job and this interface. Each datagram sent or received consumes one transaction. The transaction is recycled when the send or receive is processed. Set this parameter to the sum of the maximum number of incoming datagrams expected at one time (i.e., the value of the RCVBUFS parameter, above) plus the maximum expected number of simultaneous sends to this interface.

Route table [ROUTEn]

Note: n is a number from 0 (zero) to 15.

Table entry

Key Default Value Description
DEST '' Destination IP address
MASK '' Net/subnet mask
GATEWAY '' Gateway IP address
FLAGS 'GH' Gateway/Host Flags

Parameter description

DEST The IP address of the route destination. This may be a host address or a network address.
MASK The net mask for the IP address associated with the destination.
GATEWAY If the route is through a gateway, this parameter specifies the IP address of the gateway host. This parameter is not needed for routes to destinations that are directly connected to the sending host.
FLAGS The "H" flag indicates that the route is to a host. The absence of the "H" flag indicates that the route is to a network. The "G" flag indicates that the route is through a host, whose IP address is specified by the GATEWAY parameter that acts as a gateway to the destination. The absence of the "G" flag indicates that the route is direct to the destination. A GATEWAY parameter is not needed for a direct route.

See Also

TCP/IP system calls