INtime SDK Help
INtime Directory Structure
INtime SDK v6 > References > INtime Directory Structure

This topic describes the INtime directory structure for INtime for Windows and for INtime SDK.

Note: These directory paths assume INtime is installed in default locations.

INtime For Windows and INtime SDK directory structure

Directory Description File Types
%PROGRAMFILES%\INtime\bin Contains executables and libraries that support INtime software development and its tools. Dynamic link libraries (dll), executables (exe), help files for INtime tools (chm), realtime applications for INtime tools and services (rta), real-time shared libraries for INtime tools and services (rsl).
%PROGRAMFILES%\INtime\help Contains the INtime overview guide, quick-start guide, main INtime help file, and other INtime documentation Pdf documents, help files (chm), Wordpad documents (rtf).
%PROGRAMFILES%\INtime\msdev Contains the files needed for INtime to work with Visual Studio 6 Custom application wizard (awx), help files (chm).
%PROGRAMFILES%\INtime\Network Contains files for legacy INtime networking. Real-time applications
%PROGRAMFILES%\INtime\Network7 Contains files for INtime networking. Real-time applications, drivers and libraries
%PROGRAMFILES%\INtime\nt\include Contains include files for windows processes that communicate via NTX to INtime Include files (h).
%PROGRAMFILES%\INtime\nt\lib Contains library files for windows processes that communicate via NTX to INtime Library files (lib).
Include files for real-time applications. Include files (h).
%PROGRAMFILES%\INtime\rt\lib Library files for real-time applications. Library files (lib).
%PROGRAMFILES%\INtime\system32\ File to allow events to be logged. Dynamic link library (dll).
%PROGRAMFILES%\INtime\system32\drivers Driver files for the virtual Ethernet device Security catalog file (cat), driver (sys), driver information file (inf).
%PROGRAMFILES%\INtime\Tools Real time application tools useful for system evaluation and debugging. Real-time applications (rta).
Files used by Visual Studio 2003 for creating and debugging real-time applications. Dynamic link libraries (dl), Windows executables (exe), Web pages (htm), Java script files (js), etc.
Files used by Visual Studio 2005 for creating and debugging real-time applications. Dynamic link libraries (dl), Windows executables (exe), Web pages (htm), Java script files (js), etc.
%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\INtime\Projects
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\INtime\Projects (Windows 7 and similar)
Sample applications (see Sample INtime applications) Visual Studio Solutions (sln), Developer studio files (dsw), Project files (vcproj, csproj, jsproj, dsp), source files (h, c, cpp, js, cs).
%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\INtime\remote
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\INtime\remote (Windows 7 and similar)
Files for remote nodes you have created. (NOTE: these files are available only if you have purchased a development kit with remote node support). Binary images (bin), real-time applications (rta), DOS executable (exe), DOS batch file (bat), configuration files (ini)
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\TenAsys\INtime
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\TenAsys\INtime (WIndows 7 and similar)
Global files for INtime configuration License file (lservrc), data file (dat)
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\TenAsys\INtime\Drivers
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\TenAsys\INtime\Drivers (WIndows 7 and similar)
Driver files for passing devices to INtime. Setup information files (inf), Drivers (sys)

INtime Distributed RTOS target directory structure

This topic describes the file structure on the INtime Distributed RTOS target.

Directory Description
/bin Runtime executable files
/boot Kernel and bootload files
/config/etc Systemwide configuration files and templates
/config/{NodeName} Node-specific configuration files ({NodeName} is replaced by the actual name for each node)
/config/{NodeName}/rtconfig.sys Node-specific configuration values file
/config/{NodeName}/rtload.sys Node-specific initial program loader file
/config/{NodeName}/etc Node-specific network configuration files
/config/www Web server configuration files
/efi/boot/bootx64.efi UEFI bootloader
/network7 Network runtime executable files
intimeos.3rd Legacy bootloader
rtboot.ini Bootloader configuration file (used for both legacy and UEFI bootloader)
Bootloader configuration file
version.txt Version information.