INtime SDK Help
Advanced Configuration Settings
INtime SDK v6 > References > Advanced Configuration Settings

Both INtime for Windows and INtime Distributed RTOS have a number of configuration settings described as "Advanced" in the associated configuration tools. Many of these settings are changed using the normal user interface so it is not recommended that they are changed directly. However they may be special occasions when it is necessary to make changes via the "Advanced" interface.

The parameters are described in the following sections. The parameters are organized as a series of values grouped under headings intended to convey their area of usage. In general a parameter name may be up to sixteen characters and its value may be either a string or a numerical value. Strings are stored in single-quotes. Numbers are stored in Intel Hex format (trailing H). They are stored either in the Windows registry (in the case of INtime for Windows) or in a text file (rtconfig.sys, in the case of INtime Distributed RTOS). There is a separate collection for each configured node. Additional parameters controlling the bootloader for INtime Distributed RTOS may be found in the rtboot.ini file in the disk root directory.

Key: [ifw] = INtime For Windows  [idr] = INtime Distributed RTOS

Section Parameter Default Description
CLIB C Library configuration. All variables in this section become part of the default environment (accessible via getenv()) for each loaded process
NEB 02H Number of blocks to read-ahead on opening a file
TZ POSIX TZ-format timezone specification. [ifw] set at node boot time.
[idr] set by user on installation.
DEFHOSTNAME Default hostname; returned by gethostname()
NODECFG Path of the configuration root directory for current node
INTIME Path of INime installation root
PATH Search path for location of RTA, RSL files.
others Other variables may be added manually. They will become part of the default environment for each process created.
LOADER Application load server configuration
LOADER_PRI 82H The priority of the load server thread which completes the loading of a new application.
INIT_PRI 9BH The priority of the initial thread of a new application.
RSL_DEL_TASK_PRI 80H The priority of the RSL and RSL reference deletion threads.
CLKSYNC Clock synchronization configuration
SYNCMODE 01H 0 = Windows Clock Sync Server is init/sync src [ifw]; 1 = CMOS clock is init/sync src [idr]
ADJUSTSZ 01H 0 = src is UTC, don't adjust TOD for TZ; 1 = src is Local Time, do adjust TOD for TZ [set by installation]
INTERVAL 0 = disable periodic sync of TOD w/CMOS after init; >0 = sync period in seconds
DEBUG 00H set to non-zero for internal debug only
KEYBD [idr] keyboard driver configuration
BCP 90H Console thread priority, default is 144 (90H)
MPS 0FFH Do not change this value
KBTYPE '/config/keymaps/' Path to keyboard map file. Selected during installation.
LOADHI [idr] Do not change this section
DSMPRIORITY 84H Configures DSM thread priority, default 132
SDMMONITOR [idr] SDM configuration
IOCHANNELNAME 'CON' Set SDM console to PC console. Alternative is 'COM' - default serial port
GEN_COM_BASE_PORT 03F8H Base I/O port for console if set to 'COM'
MCSYSINFO [idr] Do not change this section
MPFILEDRIVER [idr] Do not change this section
SMMCIOINFO [idr] Do not change this section
NUC Kernel configuration settings.
FPESEH 0FFH Enable/disable SEH for floating-point exceptions.
DRVSYSLOG Internal debug only
INITLOADER [idr] Initial application loader configuration
LOADFILE '/config/nodea/rtload.sys' Path of load file for user applications for the current node
VERBOSE 0H Set to non-zero to enable verbose output from the loader. Used to debug init loader problems.
LOGFILE 'STDOUT' Output destination from the init loader. Default 'STDOUT', set to 'NONE' to disable, set to a filename to collect in a file.
(not present by default except on first node)
(depends on webs configuration) Bitmask of system applications to start during boot phase (INtime Distribute RTOS). Do not manually change this value for the boot node, but can be manually edited for application nodes (non-0 nodes).
Bit mask Application to load
0x0001 Syslog server (not required on application nodes)
0x0002 USB stack and keyboard driver
0x0004 Network stack (istack.rta)
0x0008 GOBS_net process (not required on application nodes)
0x0010 FTPD process
0x0020 Web server
0x0040 nDNS service
0x0080 Nodemgr (not required on application nodes)
0x0200 FATcheck disk check (not required on application nodes)
SYSLOG Kernel syslog configuration
LOGLEVEL 0H Kernel-level syslog level (internal debug only)
DESTINATION 2H 0 means disable syslog, 1 is a debug mode for internal use, 2 is the default, 3 outputs early messages before syslogd is available
HEIMLICH 0H Debug facility to force entry into SDM. Non-zero enables, type CTRL-D on SDM console to enter SDM command line
SNTP [idr] configure SNTP client/server default settings
ENABLED 0FFH Enable SNTP (set to 0 to disable)
PRIORITY 82H Client/server thread priority (min 130 max 254)
DEBUG 0H Debug mode (set to 1 to enable)
VERBOSE 0H Verbose mode (set to 1 to enable)
CMOSUPDATE 0H Update PC cmos when time is first set. Set to 1 to enable
DNSREFRESH 5H How often the server names should be resolved, in minutes
MINADJUST 14H The minimum time difference to adjust. Default 20 milliseconds. Min 20, Max unlimited.
GRADADJUST 05H The maximum amount of time difference to gradually adjust. Min 5 minutes, max unlimited
CLIENTMODE 0H The mode for the client. 0 = unicast client 1 = many cast client 2 = broadcast client.
SERVERMODE 0H The mode for the server. This value is a bit mask. 0 = no server 1 = unicast server 2 = broadcast server 4 = many cast server
REFRESH 040H How often to refresh the time. Min 64 seconds, max unlimited
SERVER0 '' The first SNTP server. May be DNS name or ip address.
SERVER1 '' The second SNTP server. Up to 10 servers may be configured
TETHER [idr] Tether license server configuration
HOSTADDR The IP address of the configured tether server. Default is blank, unless configured during installation.
MDNS mDNS configuration. Configures which services are advertised via mDNS. General format is _service._proto.local.:port where service is the name of the service to advertise, proto is udp or tcp and port is the port number. See the default values for examples
SERVICE0 '_ftp._tcp.local.:21' First service; advertises FTP service on TCP port 21
SERVICE1 '_http._tcp.local.:80' Second service; advertises HTTP service on TCP port 80
SERVICE2 '_ntx2.udp.local.:48271

Third service; advertises NTX2 service on UDP port 48271

Up to 20 services may be configured

Bootloader configuration

The bootload configuration (INtime Distributed RTOS only) may be found in the file /rtboot.ini. There is only one section.

Section Parameter Default Description
BOOT Bootloader configuration
BOOTFILE '/boot/mcremote.bin' Default boot file path
INIFILE '/config/nodea/rtconfig.sys' Configuration settings file path for the boot node
BDEVICE 'ad0pb' Name of boot partition
RAMDISK '/boot/init.img' Path name of RAM disk image
TITLE 'INtime Distributed RTOS' Bootloader title line text
SHOWUI 01H Show the user interface. Set to 0 to boot without showing the UI.
TIMEOUT 05H Number of seconds to display the UI before booting. If a key is pressed the timeout is canceled.
BREAK 0H Value configured by the "Debug on boot" field
FDRIVER 3H Internal value used by kernel.
USE_VIDEO 1H Output to video. Setting this to zero causes the bootloader and the operating system to redirect its output to the first serial port (COM1).

 Other parameters are for internal use and should not be modified or removed.

See Also
