INtime SDK Help

Sends a signal to the executing program.

#include <signal.h>

int raise (int sig);


Signal to send.


If a signal-handling routine for sig has been installed by a prior call to signal, raise causes that routine to execute. Signal-handling is maintained locally to the calling thread, not globally to all threads using the C library.

If no handler routine has been installed for a particular signal, the default signal-handling is as follows:

Signal Description Default action
SIGABRT Abnormal termination Calls _exit(3)
SIGALLOC Memory allocation failure Returns without error
SIGBREAK <Ctrl-Break> signal Ignored
SIGFPE Floating-point exception Calls _exit(3)
SIGFREE Bad free pointer Calls _exit(3)
SIGILL Illegal instruction Calls _exit(3)
SIGREAD Read error Ignored
SIGSEGV Segment violation Sets errno to EDOM and returns
SIGTERM Termination request Calls _exit(3)
SIGUSR1 User-defined Ignored
SIGUSR2 User-defined Ignored
SIGUSR3 User-defined Ignored
SIGWRITE Write error Ignored

This function is implemented in the C interface library (not in the shared C library), and is private to each application.

Return Values

0 (zero).
Any other value.


Versions Defined in Include Link to
INtime 3.0 intime/rt/include/signal.h signal.h clib.lib

See Also

abort, exit, signal