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INtime SDK v6 > About INtime > Alternate APIs > INtimeDotNet > ntxStartRtProcess(INtimeDotNet)

Starts a process previously loaded with ntxCreateRtProcess and the NTX_PROC_SUSPEND option flag set.

Visual Basic

Function StartRtProcess(
ByVal hProcess As Integer,
ByRef phExit As Integer


void StartRtProcess(
Int32 hProcess,
ref Int32 phExit );


The handle for the loaded process.
Variable that receives the wait handle for use later with ntxWaitForRtProcess.


The process to be started must have been created with the NTX_PROC_SUSPEND flag set. The call returns a handle which must be used in a subsequent call to ntxWaitForRtProcessEx to allow the process creator to synchronize with the termination of the created process, and to receive its exit code.

If the process was not created with the NTX_PROC_SUSPEND flag set, then the call throws an exception and the status is set to E_STATE.

If the call is not able to create a wait handle, the call throws an exception and the status is set to E_CONTEXT.


E_TYPE The process handle was not a handle for a process.
E_EXIST The process has been deleted.
E_STATE The process was not created with the NTX_PROC_SUSPEND flag set.
E_CONTEXT The call was not able to return a wait handle, but the process was nevertheless started.


Versions Defined in Include Link to
INtime 6.0 intime/rt/include/rtbase.h rt.h rt.lib
See Also