INtime SDK Help
INtime SDK v6 > About INtime > Alternate APIs > INtimeDotNet > ntxReadRtXxx(INtimeDotNet)

These functions, which do not have an equivalent in NTX, use one of these methods to read 1, 2, 4, or an arbitrary number of bytes from an INtime shared memory object.

Visual Basic:

Function ntxReadRt1Byte(
  ByVal hSrc As Integer,
  ByVal pSrc As Integer)
As Byte
Function ntxReadRt2Bytes(
  ByVal hSrc As Integer,
  ByVal pSrc As Integer)
As Short
Function ntxReadRt4Bytes(
  ByVal hSrc As Integer,
  ByVal pSrc As Integer)
As Integer
Sub ntxReadRtBytes(
  ByVal hSrc As Integer,
  ByVal pSrc As Integer,
  ByVal pDst() As Byte,
  ByVal len As Integer)

Visual C#:

Byte ntxReadRt1Byte(
  Int32 hSrc,
  Int32 pSrc );
Int16 ntxReadRt2Bytes(
  Int32 hSrc,
  Int32 pSrc );
Int32 ntxReadRt4Bytes(
  Int32 hSrc,
  Int32 pSrc );
void ntxReadRtBytes(
  Int32 hSrc,
  Int32 pSrc,
  Byte[] pDst,
  Int32 len );


Handle of a memory object to read from.
The zero-based byte offset where to start reading.
An array where the bytes must be stored (ntxReadRtBytes only).
The number of bytes to read (ntxReadRtBytes only).

Return Values

The value read from the source (except for ntxReadRtBytes).

INtimeException Status

The memory handle is invalid.


Versions Reference
INtime 3.0 INtimeDotNet

See Also

INtimeDotNet system calls, ntxReceiveRtDataXxx, ntxWriteRtXxx