INtime SDK Help
LNC Parameter Values
INtime SDK v6 > About INtime > Other system libraries > Local Node Configuration library > LNC Parameter Values

This topic lists all of the LNC parameter values used by the library. Some values may require that the system or the kernel be restarted before they take effect.

The RS notation next to a parameter indicates that setting this value will require a system restart.

The RK notation next to a parameter indicates that setting this value will require a kernel restart before the value takes effect.

System parameters

Parameter Description
1 = LNCP_BUGEX DWORD: what to do when Windows wants to cause a bug check (True = trap, False = don’t trap)
2 = LNCP_CONCNTX DWORD: the maximum number of INtime requests that Windows apps can have open; 8 <= value <= 512
3 = LNCP_DEFODIR DWORD: default number of entries in object directories; 64 <= value <= 3840 and must be a multiple of 4
4 = LNCP_DEFVSEG DWORD: default size in megabytes of virtual memory area; 8 <= value <= 4092 and must be a multiple of 4
5 = LNCP_HIBER DWORD: how to react to Windows going in hibernation (True = stop INtime kernel, False = prevent)
6 = LNCP_MEMEXCL DWORD: memory excluded: zero = use Windows non paged pool, nonzero = exclude memory at boot time (RS); on getting, the value indicates the excluded memory in megabytes
7 = LNCP_NCORES DWORD: number of cores in the system; read only
8 = LNCP_NINTIMECORES DWORD: number of cores assigned to INtime; zero means shared mode, nonzero means dedicated mode. If one or more cores are not used, they are included in this number (RS)
9 = LNCP_PHYSMEM DWORD: number of megabytes of RAM in the system. Read only.
10 = LNCP_RESCOM1 DWORD: if 1, COM1 is reserved for INtime and not available to Windows
11 = LNCP_RESCOM2 DWORD: if 1, COM2 is reserved for INtime and not available to Windows
12 = LNCP_RESCOM3 DWORD: if 1, COM3 is reserved for INtime and not available to Windows
13 = LNCP_RESCOM4 DWORD: if 1, COM4 is reserved for INtime and not available to Windows
14 = LNCP_RESLPT1 DWORD: if 1, LPT1 is reserved for INtime and not available to Windows
15 = LNCP_RSLPATH one or more directories where the loader searches for an RSL that does not have a full path; this is a REG_MULTI_SZ value.
16 = LNCP_STDBY DWORD: what to do when Windows wants to go in standby mode (True = stop INtime kernel, False = prevent)
17 = LNCP_TOD DWORD: how often should the time of day be updated, in seconds. 1 <= value <= 3600
18 = LNCP_LANG DWORD: the language ID. Currently support for en-US (1033) and jp-JP (1041) is available.
19 = LNCP_WINHEIGHT DWORD: the number of lines in a Console I/O window
20 = LNCP_WINWIDTH DWORD: the number of columns per line in a Console I/O window
21 = LNCP_BUFHEIGHT DWORD: the number of lines in the buffer for a Console I/O window
22 = LNCP_BUFWIDTH DWORD: the number of columns per line in the buffer of a Console I/O window
23 = LNCP_CLOSE DWORD: 1 = Console I/O windows are closed at the end of the INtime process; 0 = Console I/O windows are left
24 = LNCP_CONMSG DWORD: type of message sent to an INtime process when its Console I/O window is closed by the user:0=none; 1= FE = console closed; 2 = FF = terminate
25 = LNCP_USEDEFHAN DWORD: 1 = the Fault Handler dialog is not shown but the default handler is called immediately; 0 = the Fault Handler dialog is shown.
26 = LNCP_DEFHAN DWORD: default fault handler: 0 = delete process; 1 = suspend thread; 2 = break to SDM; 3 = debug with Spider; 4 = debug with VS2003; 5 = debug with VS2005; 6 = debug with VS2008; 7 = debug with VS2010; 8 = debug with VS2012.
27 = LNCP_SYSLOGNET DWORD: 1 = logging over the network is enabled
28 = LNCP_SYSLOGNAMES DWORD: 1 = looking up names for logging is enabled
29 = LNCP_VSERIAL DWORD: the number of virtual serial ports (0-4; eVM only)
34 = LNCP_STRICTRSL DWORD: 1 = use the full pathname to compare loaded RSL modules. 0 = use only the filename to compare loaded RSL modules.
This setting allows multiple copies of an RSL with the same name but different source paths to be loaded.
35 = LNCP_VPORTMAP DWORD: a 32 bit map where each zero bit indicates that the corresponding port can be used as a virtual serial port; the least significant bit refers to COM1, the most significant refers to COM32; eVM only; read only
36 = LNCP_DISPMEM DWORD: the amount of RAM available to Windows, for display purposes. Read-only.

Kernel parameters

Parameter Description
1 = LNCP_CLOCKRATE DWORD: the number of microseconds in a low level tick (50, 100, 125, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000) (RK)
2 = LNCP_CORE DWORD: the processor core used by the kernel (RS)
3 = LNCP_DBBAUD DWORD: the baud rate of the debugger port
4 = LCNP_DBCON string: where the debugger (SDM) connects
5 = LNCP_GDTSLOTS DWORD: the number of entries in the Global and Local descriptor table
6 = LNCP_MEMBASE DWORD: the relative start address of kernel memory for this node. Read only
7 = LNCP_MEMSIZE DWORD: the number of megabytes assigned to this node (RS); for eVM this includes both evmmem and guestmem; for eVM the parameter is read only.
8 = LNCP_OSEXTENSIONS DWORD: the number of OS extensions; 0 <= value <= 128 (RK)
9 = LNCP_RRSLICE DWORD: the number of milliseconds a thread runs before it is preempted by Round Robin (RK)
10 = LNCP_RRTHRESHOLD DWORD: the priority below (numerically above) which Round Robin is active (RK)
11 = LNCP_SPINTHRESHOLD DWORD: the maximum time inmilliseconds a thread may be running before Spin Doctor suspends it (RK)
12 = LNCP_START DWORD: start the kernel automatically when Windows starts; for INtime: 0 = no start, 1 = start kernel; for eVM: 0 = no start, 1 = before Windows user logon, 2 = after Windows user logon
13 = LNCP_TYPE DWORD: type of the local node; read-only
14 = LNCP_GUESTDIR string: full path to the directory holding eVM guest files
15 = LNCP_EVMMEM DWORD: memory for eVM kernel itself, in megabytes
16 = LNCP_GUESTMEM DWORD: maximum memory for an eVM guest, in megabytes
17 = LNCP_DEFGUEST string: full path to the configuration file of the default eVM guest; empty if no default guest
18 = LNCP_AUTOLOAD DWORD: 1 = enable all auto-loads; 0 = disable all auto-loads
20 = LNCP_VPORT1 string: the Windows device name for the first virtual serial port
21 = LNCP_VPORT2 string: the Windows device name for the second virtual serial port
22 = LNCP_VPORT3 string: the Windows device name for the third virtual serial port
23 = LNCP_VPORT4 string: the Windows device name for the fourth virtual serial port
24 = LNCP_XMMODE DWORD: memory mode, one of:
LNCM_MODE_NOXM = set to no extended virtual or physical memory mode
LNCM_MODE_VXM = set to XM mode, no physical memory extensions
LNCM_MODE_PVXM = set to extended virtual and physical memory mode
25 = LNCP_NAREAS DWORD: Count of memory areas assigned to the node
26 = LNCP_UMEMSIZE DWORD: Size of all unmanaged memory areas for the node

Memory Pool parameters

Parameter Descriptione mcintime.dir\*mp2
1 = LNCM_SIZEMB DWORD: size of memory areain megabytes
2 = LNCM_LOC DWORD: source of memory area. 0 = unrestricted, 1 = allocate from NPP below 4 GB, 2 = allocate from NPP above 4 GB, 3 = allocate from external memory.
3 = LNCM_TYPE DWORD: memory area type. 4 = node memory, 5 = eVM guest memory, 6 = eVM shared memory, 7 = unmanaged pool.
4 = LNCM_ORDER DWORD: memory area order. A number indicating the relative order compared to other areas assigned to the node.

Network parameters

Parameter Description
1 = LNCN_DEFR4 string: default route in IPv4 networks
2 = LNCN_DEFR6 string: default route in IPv6 networks
3 = LNCN_DNS1 string: name of first Dynamic Name Services server; empty string if not applicable
4 = LNCN_DNS2 string: name of second Dynamic Name Services server; empty string if not applicable
5 = LNCN_DNS3 string: name of third Dynamic Name Services server; empty string if not applicable
6 = LNCN_DOMAIN string: the name of the domain of which the host is a part; an empty string if not applicable
7 = LNCN_HOST string: the name of the network host on this node (RK)
8 = LNCN_MEM DWORD: the number of megabytes of memory to reserve for networking; zero allows unlimited use
9 = LNCN_NNICS DWORD: the number of NICs; read-only
10 = LNCN_NR4 DWORD: the number of IPv4 routes; read-only
11 = LNCN_NR6 DWORD: the number of IPv6 routes; read-only
12 = LNCN_START DWORD: 1= start the network automatically when the INtime kernel starts; 0 = do not start automatically
13 = LNCN_MAXPRI DWORD: 10 <= pri <= 240. Set the maximum thread priority of the istack.rta process.
14 = LNCN_TIMERPRI DWORD: 10 <= pri <= 240. Set the timer thread priority of the istack.rta process.

NIC parameters

Parameter Description
1 = LNCI_DHCP DWORD: 1 if DHCP is enabled, 0 if disabled
2 = LNCI_INST DWORD: the instance number of the NIC; the first instance of a type is zero
3 = LNCI_LONG string: a longer string describing the type of NIC
4 = LNCI_NA4 DWORD: the number of IPv4 addresses; read-only
5 = LNCI_NA6 DWORD: the number of IPv6 addresses; read-only
6 = LNCI_POLL DWORD: 0 means use the hardware interrupt, non-zero specifies the number of lower-level ticks between polls.
7 = LNCI_SHORT string: a short string identifying the type of NIC
8 = LNCI_TYPE string: the complete short name of the NIC, a combination of the short name and the instance

Network route parameters

Parameter Description
1 = LNCR_GATEWAY string: the IPv4 or IPv6 address for a gateway
2 = LNCR_MASK string: the network mask for the route

Network address parameters

Parameter Description
1 = LNCA_ADDR string: the IP address field of an IPv4 or IPv6 address
2 = LNCA_MASK string: the network mask as an IPv4 address. Only present for an IPv4 address
3 = LNCA_ROUTE string: the IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format
4 = LNCA_PREFIXLEN DWORD: the number of bits in the prefix (9..63). Only present for an IPv6 address.

Advanced properties

Parameter Description
1 = LNCA_DEFAULT DWORD: multi string or string containing the parameter default value
2 = LNCA_DESCR string: describes the parameter
3 = LNCA_VALUE DWORD, multi string or string: contains the parameter value; cannot be deleted

Autoload parameters

Parameter Description
1 = LNCL_ARGS string: contains arguments to be passed to the application
2 = LNCL_DEPS a multi string defining on what other auto-load applications this application depends
3 = LNCL_FILE a string containing the partial or full path of the application
4 = LNCL_ODIR a DWORD defining the number of object directory entries in the process; 0 <= value >= 3840; zero or absent means the default applies
5= LNCL_PMAX a DWORD defining the maximum memory pool, in megabytes; zero or absent means the default applies
6 = LNCL_PMIN a DWORD defining the minimum memory pool, in megabytes; zero or absent means the default applies
7 = LNCL_VSEG a DWORD defining the size of the virtual segment, in megabytes; zero or absent means the default applies
8 = LNCL_SYNC a DWORD: 1 means wait for initialization complete (application has cataloged R?END_INIT); zero means no wait
9 = LNCL_ENABLE a DWORD: 1 means the application is auto-loaded; zero means auto-loading this application is disabled
10 = LNCL_WAITLOGIN a DWORD: 1 means the application only starts when a user has logged on; zero means an immediate start
11 = LNCL_FORCEXM a DWORD: 0 means force non-XM mode; 1 means force XM mode; if the parameter is not present the option i the RTA header is used.
See Also