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INtime SDK v6 > About INtime > Networking and I/O > High-Performance Ethernet > hpeGetTransmitQueueState

Returns a value indicating the current state of the transmitter for the designated queue. This is used to determine whether the transmit buffers may be reset. If the transmitter is currently active then it is not advised to reset the buffers to avoid a race condition between the transmitter and the CPU.

HPESTATUS hpeGetTransmitQueueState(
    HPEHANDLE devhandle,
    DWORD queue_index, 
    DWORD *txstate_p


A handle value for the device.
Index of the designated queue.
A pointer to a DWORD value to receive the transmitter state. This value may be:
HPE_TXIDLE The transmitter is currently idle.
HPE_TXBUSY The transmitter is performing an operation.
E_LIMIT The queue_index parameter is out of bounds for the current hardware.

Return Values

A status value indicating the success or failure of the operation:

E_OK The operation completed successfully.
E_EXIST The handle given is not a handle for an open HPE interface.


Versions Defined in Include Link to
INtime 6.0 (HPE3) intime/rt/include/hpeif2.h hpeif2.h hpeif2.lib
See Also