INtime SDK Help
gettimeofday, settimeofday

Gets or sets the system date and time.

#include <sys/time.h>

int gettimeofday( struct timeval *tvp, struct timezone *tzp ); int _gettimeofday32( struct _timeval32 *tvp ); int _gettimeofday64( struct _timeval64 *tvp ); int settimeofday( struct timeval *tvp, struct timezone *tzp // ignored ); int _settimeofday32( const struct _timeval32 *tvp ); int _settimeofday64( const struct _timeval64 *tvp );


Pointer to a structure containing the time expressed as seconds and microseconds.
Pointer to timezone structure.


struct timeval {
    long32 tv_sec;         /* seconds */
    long32 tv_usec;        /* and microseconds */

struct _timeval32{
    long32  tv_sec;         /* seconds */
    long32  tv_usec;        /* and microseconds */
struct _timeval64 {
    long64  tv_sec;         /* seconds */
    long32  tv_usec;        /* and microseconds */

struct timezone {
    int tz_minuteswest;    /* minutes west of Greenwich */
    int tz_dsttime;        /* type of dst correction */


gettimeofday obtains the current time, expressed as seconds and microseconds since the Epoch (January 1, 1970), and stores it in the structure pointed to by tvp. The parameter tzp points to a struct timezone which receives the number of minutes west of GMT and a flag determining if Day Saving Time is in effect. tzp is ignored if NULL.

_gettimeofday32 uses the struct _timeval32 version of the structure, and _gettimeofday64 uses the struct _timeval64 version of the stucture. Neither of these calls returns timezone information.

settimeofday set the system clock to seconds since the Epoch (microseconds are ignored). The tzp value must be NULL.

_settimeofday32 uses the struct _timeval32 version of the structure, and _settimeofday64 uses the struct _timeval64 version of the stucture. Neither of these calls returns timezone information.

If the macro _USE_32BIT_TIMEVAL is defined, gettimeofday will actually call _gettimeofday32, and settimeofday will actually call _settimeofday32. In both cases the tzp parameter will be ignored.

If the macro _USE_64BIT_TIMEVAL is defined, gettimeofday will actually call _gettimeofday64, and settimeofday will actually call _settimeofday64. In both cases the tzp parameter will be ignored.

If neither macro is defined the original calls are made.

Return Values

0 (zero)


tvp is an invalid pointer.
An error occurred when setting or getting the system time.


Versions Defined in Include Link to
INtime 4.0 intime/rt/include/sys/time.h sys/time.h clib.lib
INtime 6.0 (32- and 64-bit versions) intime/rt/include/sys/time.h sys/time.h clib.lib